Chapter 52; Pack Unite Part 1

*I've got Zilts.*

- Lazy Author

They gave me a look that said that I was crazy, hey do they even know me? Peter shook his head and looked to Derek.

"Ignoring Khaleesi, (Hey! Don't ever ignore me) we have worse things to consider, for instance, the fact that my wolf side refuses to acknowledge you as apart of my pack until a few days ago. And then also this new addition to our lands. A wolf that has hunted humans and has tasted their blood, like vampires they will want more and if they are still in our territory they will seek more." Peter says as a gloomy atmosphere fell down on the three of them, I yawned and closed my eyes as I leaned against the wall, feigning disinterest.

I wonder who this person is, it isn't quite time for the Alpha's pack to come and terrorize us so it isn't them. But.....who then? Is my interference such a huge blow that more and more facts never mentioned in the original series are starting to pop out, like the fact that different species of vampires and werewolves exist in this world, that Orge's and goblins roam deep within the crust of the Earth and troll's live under bridges their homes unseen by humans because of the mystic veil that protects them, this isn't fun and games if you consider the fact that there's a queen and king covering over all the mystic and that there are various factions seeking that position. But....who says I can't make a game out of this?

"Did you kill my sister,Peter?" Derek asks his eyes hardening and turning blue in an instant. I lightly sigh and tap his shoulder.

"Hunters." I simply state though knew it was a lie no one will question me since they can't determine my heart beat's actual speed. Derek took in a sharp breath but nodded I turned to Scott grinning.

"What do you say,join the pack to protect Alison? Or.....ignore all training that would be provided, guidance and protection and let Alison suffer because of your neglectance (A;is that a word?) Now this isn't a threat,Scott,this is reality, even I need to make a decision here, to help protect my family and loose any and all chances to get selected in to a covern, or ignore this and let my family and friends suffer,after all you are my friend you to Derek, even if you are a bit.... insufferable." I trail off with. He narrowed his eyes and glared though there was no hate there so bonus!

"A vampire joining a werewolf pack?" Peter seemed confused.

"Oh? This isn't about werewolves Peter,sure you get to be Alpha and all that but this is about everyone. Whoever comes to befriend us and comes to trust us and wants to join can, because we will need to be far stronger than what a meer wolf pack ever could possibly be on its own. The factions are getting far to restless and are starting wars wherever they gain the confidence to. Whilst we sit in our homes comfortably as lives that are innocent are waisted. We are can not sit and watch as the earth we are supposed to walk on gets destroyed through blood shed and hate. We need to unite otherwise it would come to our downfall. That's why even I can join your pack, so can Stiles,Lidia and Alison if they so wish,Scott,Peter and Derek, please take this to heart before you say I can't join." I say raising an eyebrow as my eyes twitched at how much I had to play serious. Peter looked a little taken aback by my little outburst but regained his composure and smiled at me, nodding his head.

"Fine,I see what you mean." He says.

"Yay!" Gone with the serious act!

"So what will it be Scott?" Asks Peter.


This lazy Author wishes everyone a happy Good Day and a sleep filled night.

Also hope everyone recovers and to not suffer during these times.
