

Searing intense and mind-numbing amounts of pain. Groaning as he sat up from wherever it is he was, he opened his bleary eyes and looked at both his surroundings and himself.
'So these clothes are in tatters and I'm on a rock by some goddam lake'
Thinking to himself while trying to deal with the pain in his chest, he couldn't help but reach for his pockets (or at least what was left of them) to search for a Cellphone or some other form of communication, after rummaging a bit in what was really just a few bits of string and cloth, he found what he was looking for.

Pulling the phone out of his pocket, he first checked the time '2:45' stupidly early and annoying to explain upon getting home, especially since today is his first day at Beacon Hills High, that said he first needed to figure out what the hell actually happened before attempting to explain anything.

'Dammit! Everything hurts, I feel half-dead' struggling to stand up he was met with a small Translucent gray screen in front of his eyes.
Valentine Aedan Feilan
Alias: 'Vale'
Status: Stable, Confused
Nature: Adaptive
Strength: 15
Mind: 3.2
Willpower: 4.0
Magical Affinity: 3.1
Bloodline: ??/?
'...' staring at the screen for what felt like an hour, Vale finally snapped out of the stupor that the revelation of the screen had put him in.

'Am I hallucinating, or am I still dreaming?' the sudden pain in his chest brought him the realization that he was in fact, not dreaming and still outside at 3 am, almost butt naked and in a rather large amount of pain.
'Right, so first things first I'm going home, I'll figure this out when I'm warm in my own bed'

Picking himself up off the floor, he started walking towards the warm haze of light in the sky and the smell of smoke. gasoline, concrete, and steel.
Not as if he was going to question why he could hear cars in the distance, or smell all that as if he was standing in it or why he could see the light haze of the city so clearly in the night sky.

"Marie is going to kill meeeee" the thought of his caretaker Marie's face when She sees his clothing in tatters was only slightly terrifying, just slightly.

Trudging towards the orange glow in the sky, the only thing he could think about was what the hell happened to him?
"Sure thing Mr. Stilinski, I'll head home right away." he was talking to the Chief of Police for Beacon Hills, Sheriff Noah Stilinski.
''No offense but you looked like some type of addict when you shuffled out of the woods, you almost gave me a heart attack. You sure you don't want us to drive you home Vale?" the Sheriff asked him as he jogged in place.

"No, I'll be alright Mr.Stilinski, no worries, my car is just a few minutes down the road and It was just an ugly fall if I feel bad at all I'm sure Marie will rush me to the hospital."
"Alright... but take care, Vale." The Sheriff let him off with a pat on the shoulder.

Jogging towards his car a little ways off, he suddenly heard a loud rustling in the bushes by the roadside, turning to look, he jumped back immediately.
Right in the bushes, right where he looked,were a pair of glowing, red eyes.