Chapter 5

In the evening, I sit near window and watching outside. Kriya texted me telling Ryan is working with his team on some serious matter and they are in living room. I don't want to disturb them. So I don't go out until they finish their work.

After sometime, I hear Kriya and some other guy shouting in the living room. "Guys, stop this guys. Do you think its appropriate to watch this with 2 girls in home?" She shouts. "I don't see any girls." Someone responds. "Don't do this guys." Another guy says. "Ask them to stop it Ryan" Kriya shouts at Ryan. But I don't hear him say anything. My friend is fighting and I should support her. This is what me and Grace do always. Support each other.

I go out and turn towards the television without noticing anything to get the idea of what they are watching. It's actually a porn. Oh my God. I am frozen for a moment. How can they watch these things? Then the girl in the television breaks the kiss and unzips the guy's pant. I don't know what to do. Should I close my eyes? Should I run? Should I shout? I don't know. When I see her take his dick out, I feel like puking. I run from there to the washroom in living room.

I don't have time to run to my wash room. I puke whatever I had today. "JESSY" Kriya shouts. I feel it. Someone touches my head and holds me in place and rubbed my back. I don't want to open my eyes.

"It's okay" he whispers in my ear. "Take this" Kriya hands something to him. "It's okay" he says again. I puke again. "Water" I murmur. "One second, Kriya, bring a bottle of water" he shouts. "I just went to get her fresh cloths and stuff. Take this" she gives something to him again and holds my another arm.

"Jessy, are you alright?" Kriya asks me. I can feel that she is worried. "YEAH" I murmur again. How can you ask someone whether they are alright when they sit and puke? They both squatted beside me. I don't look up to see them. He hands me a bottle. I take it from him. I gargle my mouth first and drink watch. When I feel better I turned towards Kriya. "SORRY" I say. "You idiot." She says and hugs me. "Thank y....." I turn to thank him. I am totally taken back. I can't believe myself. Am I dreaming? No I got up already. Is that also a dream? Did I wake up in dreams not in real?

I don't know anything. But how come he is here? I am so confused now. "Are  you alright?" He asks. This is fucking dream. I blink three times and see his face. He should disappear right?? "Hy" Kriya tapped my shoulder. This is not dream then. I feel her tap on my shoulder.

I look again at him. It's actually him. Aaron woods. I never thought that I would see him this close. He smiles. He wraps his hand around my shoulder and helps me to get up. I get up and walk to hall. He helps me to sit on the cough. It's his band. Band of 4. Aaron woods, Jensen Smith, Henry Smith, and Godwin Brown. I have seen their concert video so many time. I am feeling like I am in a dream Land.

"You puked because of the dick?" Jensen asks and smiles. It's a British accent man. "Shut up Jensen" Aaron scolds him. Again British accent. I will not say the accent is sexy. Because I have seen 100s and 100s of English movie and I know this accent. But his voice is sexy. It's very base and thick.

I look up and smile at him. He smiles back. "I smell something" Godwin jokes. Aaron takes the pillow next to me and throws at Godwin. Kriya smiles and says, "Jessy, let me introduce everyone." She introduces everyone. "Ryan is the PR manager of Destisy funders. This guys messes up and Ryan cleans it." She says and smiles.

"Yeah, especially for Aaron. He is the one who messes up all the time." Henry says. I look at Aaron again. He smiles at me embarrassingly. "This time, he messed it 6 months before and Ryan is cleaning it now." Kriya laughs at Aaron. "Shut up peeps" Aaron shouts. "I told you in the beginning itself that she is a bitch. You didn't listen to me" she shrugs her shoulder. "Find a good girl for me and then I will listen to you." I shrugs his shoulder this time.

"Guys shall we concentrate on the issue?" Ryan shouts. "Listen to Ryan guys" Kriya shouts. They start discussing about something. "How can you be such a irresponsible man? She took video of you having sex with her and you didn't notice it?" Henry asks him this time.

"I don't have nothing to say." Aaron says. "How could you have sex with her?" Godwin mocks. "She was my fucking girlfriend guys. For fuck sake, don't talk like this" he says. I sit there and watching everything. But my mind and heart is fixed on Aaron. He has a brown eyes, fine jaw line and brown thick hair. He wore a white shirt and blue ripped jean. I am literally staring at him.

"Why are you staring at him like this?" Kriya asks and smiles innocently. "I am not" I fight back. "Its obvious you are." She laughs this time. I am panicked this time. I look at her. "I won't tell anyone." She says and winks at me. "I am just his biggest fan. I love his songs and I like him" I whisper. I don't want other people to listen. I don't want to make it obvious. "Oh" she says and smiles. "But I should warn you. Don't fall for him he is a Playboy" she says.