6. Morning Bad Lucks

What's the morning routine of Jay? Well it is like this: he will wake up after being disturbed by his alarm. Then he will go take a bath and wash his clothes. Then after changing into simple clothes, he will prepare breakfast. After eating, he will again change into his school uniform then go to school.

But right now, he felt something is not right. Not feeling his soft and comfortable bed, instead of a hard one where he is currently laying at, he felt like dreaming. He was also not awakened by his alarm.

'What the hell is going on? Where am I?'

Feeling still sleepy, he tried hard to wake up and sat down. But what he saw around enraged him that he almost bit his tongue.


Jay shouted that he is sure the neighbors several meters away had heard it, but thankfully, even Randy didn't.

Instead of finding himself in a different place which he expected, he only found himself still in his own room. The only difference was he woke up and found himself on the floor: he actually fell !!

Jay didn't know what to because he is still very angry.

"Shit, this is the first time this happened. Just what the hell is wrong with me?"

Jay looked at the time and it is nearing his waking time, so he decided to just go downstairs and do what he usually do.

First, he boiled water because he want to have some coffee. While waiting for the coffee to be boiled, he rashly washed his face with cold water, still feeling mad thinking what happened this morning.

As soon as he returned in the kitchen, the boiling water reached the peak celcius, ready for his coffee. Jay prepared his cup, poured the hot water, added a tablespoon of sugar, two tablespoons of instant milk, and a little of the black-powdered coffee, giving his coffee a creamy look.

He didn't yet take a sip when he first set up to cook some rice, then turned on the TV to watch while he will enjoy his drink.

The first thing he saw just after the TV turned on was the news of some gangsters caught by the police for their misdeeds.

"Tsk, how foolish. Just because they are people of the dark zones then that means they can do what they want? Hell no, it's better if they really are caught and get imprisoned", Jay said, expressing his disdain towards those kind of men. He clearly hated those kinds of people, that thinking about them made him forgot that his coffee is still very hot and hurriedly drank a mouthful. His tongue burned, from the hotness of the liquid that invaded his mouth and from anger.

"Fuck!!! Fuck!!!", Jay cursed silently, maintaining a pained expression while trying not to shout out loud.

He endured the pain for several seconds before pouring his remaining drink into the sink, not having the appetite to further drink. Instead, he drank a lot of cold water, relief showed on his face. But still, he can feel his tongue got smooth from what happened. Clearly, he knows that he can't enjoy having his breakfast later on.