
Two weeks have passed since the incident, the culprit who instigated the entire thing was still on the run and there were no leads on who it could be. Aurora has been slowly inserting herself into the daily life of Matteo and the two girls to the point Matteo was used to her presence around him, however, he was still vigilant as he can not understand the thought process of this girl who suddenly chose to pursue him but he was not cruel to her as she did not do anything wrong.

Erica, however, became much bolder to the point she started taking baths together with Matteo which caused him to feel pressured as he barely holding back and now this fox was to play with fire? Just like what is happening this morning, "Morning Matty" Erica walked naked into the large bathtub where Matteo was currently relaxing in.

Matteo swiftly sat up straight before turning his head to look at Erica walking like a private exhibitionist for Matteo. "Erica, you should know I told you to wait till be are at legal age" Matteo sighed before relaxing in the waters, Erica giggled as she took her seat next to him leaning onto his shoulder.

"But I enjoy our times together like this" Matteo could only arch his brow till the door open once again, and this time another naked voluptuous body entered the bathroom taking her seat on the other side of Matteo, She gently moved her brown hair behind her ear before leaning against Matteo with a contend smile.

"Aurora, I am not sure why you keep being stubborn in chasing me but you should have more self-respect and not display your body in front of others other than your future husband" Aurora giggled, "Then you should take responsibility for it" Matteo felt stumped hearing this cliche line before sighing 'Just go with the flow otherwise you will end up bald Matty' He thought to himself.

Later when Matteo finished bath first as was about to leave the two girls who were having a staring contest with one another, however, despite covering his front Matteo's naked butt drawn the attention of Erica and Aurora who felt attraction force pulling their attention. Matteo felt a cold shiver run down his spine not understanding why he felt like this but when he turned his head to look behind him he saw two pairs of hungry eyes, 'Kuso' Matteo thought as he wraps the towel around his waist covering his front and back but the girls still ogle him till he left. "You dare stare at my husband?" Aurora smiled "You're not married yet but he looks handsome doesn't he?"

Erica smiled proudly, "It's because he trained daily together with me, so that is my prize for my hard work" If Matteo were to hear this he would probably lose balance and fall, This girl sure was pushing her luck just keep Aurora from taking her position as the first wife. When Matteo got dressed he noticed Liliana was currently reading books to study the Chinese Language for their trip.

"Lilly, are you sure you need to read those? I have the spellbook that can translate for us" Matteo ask as she took his seat next to Liliana allowing her to rest against his chest while she kept reading, "I enjoy studying" Matteo smiled warmly as he picks up the comb laying on the table next to the couch and gently began to brush her hair.

After a while, "That's not fair!" Erica points at Matteo who was enjoying his time brushing Liliana's hair at a relaxed pace causing even Liliana to slowly fall asleep from feeling so relaxing, when he hears Erica's voice he could only chuckle as he spread his legs "Take a small stool and sit here"

Erica squealed softly with happiness as she brought a small stool before sitting between Matteo's legs, carefully he took of her clips and bands allowing her hair to naturally hang loose. He took the comb and started to gently brush her hair straight, even Erica was assaulted with sleepiness as she could not describe the peaceful warm feeling she was feeling but she wished for it to continue forever.

Aurora arrived with a cup of coffee made specifically for Matteo but when she saw Liliana and Erica sleeping on Matteo while drooling she felt a bit jealous, "Thank you Aurora" Aurora smiled briefly at Matteo before taking her seat on the other side of him since Liliana was sleeping on his right shoulder and Erica was sleeping on his lap while still seated on the stool, "You're spoiling the girls way too much" Aurora spoke while pouting, Matteo could only chuckle but then he remembered what Aurora said in the bathroom.

"What do you even see in someone like me? Normally girls would feel repulsed when they see a guy with more than one lover" Matteo spoke while he gently caresses sleeping Erica's hair causing the latter to smile broadly as if her dream was a completely happy one, "I'm still figuring out that myself, however, I do admit that I am attracted to you from seeing how kind and caring you are to these two girls are, you are strong plus you're wealthy meaning that if I were to start a family with you, I can be sure my children will have a secure future"

Matteo sighed before turning his head to look into Aurora's eyes, "I will say this straight forward Aurora, I am serious with these two girls. As for how I feel about you? I am not certain, I would prefer if you pursue someone who can answer your feelings"

'As expected, he is too considerate and kind, to think he would rather give me the advice to pursue something else huh?' Aura thought, she naturally would say that if she can she would want to get engage with him but as he said, she needed to confirm if this feeling of hers was true or only a fleeting moment or was it something else.

"Hoho, you're popular as always my boy" Paolo entered the lounge room seeing the two girls were sleeping so peacefully and Matteo was not moving despite it feeling uncomfortable, Paolo took a swift photo of the current situation before sending the photos to Lilliana, Erica, Matteo and Lucretia's phones. 'I have done a good deed for the day' he thought.

"Anyway, the higher-ups have confirmed the identity of the target as well as the location" Paolo handed over the file to Aurora who opened it and displays it for Matteo to read it, "The target is the Demon Gremory of the 72 Pillar Demons under Solomon, I have confidence in you being able to handle this heretic god, however, there is a problem. Gremory is widely known for having knowledge of the past, present and future so there is a chance she might be able to foresee your arrival so take that into consideration" Matteo read most of the important information before turning his sight to his father, "What are their orders? Kill or simply force it to move away?"

"Keep it away from Italy" Matteo who heard this touched his chest feeling the faint connection between him and Artemis, he was not certain when she would wake up but depending on the situation if Gremory does have the power to see the Past, Present and Future then he should take his chances otherwise he will simply kill the demon.

"Very well I will accept this mission, how is the progress with our independence plan?" Paolo smirked when he heard his son's question, "Perfect, in fact, we might be able to implement a chance sooner than planned" Matteo nodded, once the Council is abolished then they can set up a new council that will operate more efficiently with him at the head.

"For now, enjoy your time peacefully like this" Paolo muttered as he stood up, "Off to work?" Paolo nodded "See you later father" Paolo smiled before leaving the lounge room, Aurora was quite surprised about the plans they made for Italy, 'To think my chosen master is so ambitious!' She thought.

"Aurora, can you contact Lucretia?" Aurora tilts her head wondering why Matteo who could contact Lucretia himself made her contact her instead, "She is your mother even if your relationship is through adoption she is still your adoptive mother, anyway, I owe her a home cook meal so I wanted to check if tonight will work for her"

Aurora blushed a bit hearing that Lucretia was her adoptive mother, although it was true she never truly called Lucretia mother after learning about Matteo's past from her, she always thought of Lucretia as a benefactor until now, being reminded about her relationship her thoughts of Lucretia were slowly turning around. "Yes, Master" Matteo lightly chop her forehead causing her to hold her forehead while sharply gazing at Matteo, "Just call me Matty, Matt or Matteo... No need for master" Aurora nodded before she went out of the Lounge to call Lucretia.

"Are you two still going to pretend to sleep?" Hearing this Erica and Liliana but twitch for a moment but still continued to keep their eyes closed, Matteo chuckled at how adorable these two girls were so he allowed them to rest some more since it was only tonight where they have to leave the Manor.

Leaning back on the couch Matteo closed his eyes to take an afternoon nap himself. By the time Aurora arrived she noticed Matteo fell asleep as well so she went over to lean on his free shoulder for the sake of experiencing what it felt like to lean against a boy, but never would she have known that she would feel so peaceful and warm to the point that she too fell asleep peacefully leaning on Matteo.

After a while just before the sun was about to Set, Matteo and the girls all woke up to take a bath and get changed before they teleported to visit Lucretia in her Manor in Sardinia before Matteo could knock on the door it was already being pulled open "I almost thought you would not come to visit an old woman like me--" Matteo gathered a thick amount of time power before pressing it into Lucretia's chest, Lucretia was shocked out of her mind wondering why her own son would attack her all of the sudden.

Her mind was going wild with a variety of imaginations but instead of feeling the pain she felt her body was growing younger at a rapid pace, she could feel her bones were no longer aching and her mana reserves were returning to the time she was at her peak, even her skin felt softer. "You---" Matteo smirked, "I have been studying how to permanently maintain the age of people, all for the sake of Eternal Youth which I would like to grant to Erica and Liliana, this is a byproduct of my long time of practising, I call it Youth Restoration"

Lucretia squealed while pulling Matteo unexpectedly in a firm hug while squashing his face into her ample breasts, it was same for Lucretia with any other woman that they would love to keep their youthful looks and to think Matteo would revert her age back to when she was in her 20's.

"Will this remain permanently?" Matteo nodded when Lucretia felt her chest was getting hot and the movements she realized she was hugging her son too tightly so she let him go only to have Matteo get himself sandwiched between Erica and Aurora who glared at Lucretia with warning eyes.

Matteo despite having difficulties to control his urges he answered, "The change is irreversible, so it can be said your now 21 years old again." Lucretia clapped her hand with her smile growing wider at how happy she was feeling, to think her son would gift her something as precious as this.

After the two girls calmed down allowing Matteo to enter the Manor, "Did you manage to achieve the eternal youth state?" Hearing Lucretia's question Matteo shook his head, "Not yet, it's difficult as simply stopping the ageing of the cells will cause some of the other functionalities of the cells to stop along with it, what I was thinking of was instead see if I can remove the lifespan of the body from the world's law and create an independent timeline where it loops infinitely, or something like that"

"You should know tampering with Time is a taboo" Matteo nodded with a smile, but he was a Campione, whose existence is a taboo itself so he did not take this warning seriously. While the girls helped him to wash the vegetables Matteo cooked tonights dinner, he would only realize far in the future that he had a real family dinner with his mom on this night.