Episode 21 ...

"Assassination of a King?"

Silver solemnly nodded. "Indeed, my queen."

"Then the matter is no joke..." Scarlet became quiet for awhile. "Have you learned anything about who these people are and what name they call themselves?" She asked, breaking the silence.

All the members of the Scarlet Order listened attentively when Silver answered Scarlet's question. They were so nervous they didn't realize they were actually holding their breath.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to answer your question at the moment, my queen. These 'people' have been increasing their power and prestige for over a hundred years. My people and I do not know the name of their organisation, yet. Even their leaders and their motives are still a mystery to us." She replied, her expression gravely serious.

"Mmm, I see... But being in the dark is disadvantageous for us. We can't stay ignorant about this 'mysterious' organisation any longer. Besides, having superior military strength is not enough, information is very important as well. Silver, make sure to find out about this organization..."

"Yes, my queen. I apologize for my incompetence. They've been clever enough to cover their tracks so I wasn't able to track them down, but now I'll make sure to come back to you with the information that you require of me."

A satisfied smile appeared on Scarlet's red lips. "Good. I'll be expecting news from now on..."

When Silver was to finish her report Levin suddenly stood up and interrupted her, "My queen, with your approval, please let me assist Silver with this task..."

Silver's expression immediately turned dark when she heard what he said.

What the hell is this bloody vampire thinking?!

Scarlet's eyebrow rose up. Slightly curious and slightly interested as well. "May I ask why you suddenly want to be involved in this, Levin?" She asked. This was a very unexpected turn of event, and Scarlet was intrigued as to why he suddenly decided to help his 'enemy'.

Before Levin could answer, Silver's angry voice stopped him from speaking.

"There is no need for you to dip your fangs into this, Levin. Back off!"

Levin grinned. His eyes lighting up with amusement after seeing Silver exploding in anger.

This is the main reason why he likes to 'harass' her everytime they see each other. Silver reacts to him and he loves seeing her face contort into shapes he didn't think she could actually make in front of him.

Levin licked his teeth and arrogantly raised his brows, "My my, Silver... you are hurting my feelings." He said, chuckling in amusement.

"Shut up!"

"Unfortunately, I must apologize. I will not back down on this matter..."

Silver looked confused and so are the other members of the Order, including Scarlet.

"What are you trying to say here, Levin?" Scarlet asked.

"Well, my queen, these past few years my informants and I have been keeping tabs on all the organisations that could be a potential threat to Gehenma..." he said then pointed at the projected image. "...and 'that' mysterious organization right there is at the top of my list."

Silver was about to speak up against his words but Scarlet raised her hand, telling her not to. And so, Levin continued to talk.

"Silver's team have been hunting them down for a hundred years but I know that her majesty needs immediate results. With my aid, this mission will be accomplished in no time, that is, if her majesty gives me permission to be involved."

After listening to Levin, Scarlet was silent and contemplated his words.

"Hmm. You're right... Considering the advantages of your arrangement, I think it is better to give you permission to work with Silver. "

"But your majesty-!" - Silver

"Her majesty the queen has already decided that you will be teaming up with Levin on this task." Eigeel voice immediately silenced her.


"I advise that you should atleast try to work this out, Silver. Don't let your loyalty to the throne be lesser than your anger. Forget your grudge and cooperate with Levin for the time being. Do this for the greater good of Gehenna..."

Silver knew that Eigeel's words were right. And even if Levin is an annoying thorn to her side, he's a very reliable partner...

She bit her lower lip and glanced at Levin at the corner of her eyes. She saw the satisfied expression on his face and she secretly sneered at him in her heart.

"Tsk!" This sonuvabitch!

Eigeel saw the anger still burning in her eyes and sighed, "Did you hear what I said, Silver?"

With a conflicted expression, Silver bit her lip. "Do I even have a choice?"

Eigeel shook his head, "No, you don't."

For a time, there was deafening silence, but eventually Silver finally agreed to the arrangement.


She then raised her glass in the air, proposing for a toast, repeating Eigeel's words.

"For the greater good of Gehenna..."

"For the greater good of Gehenna!"

Everyone inside the room responded to her toast. They felt relieved that Silver finally agreed to this, especially Scarlet. She thought there was going to be an all out fight before they could come to an agreement.

After drinking a little from her wine glass, Scarlet leaned towards Eigeel and whispered. "Thank you for your help."

Eigeel replied with a simple nod. "You're welcome, my queen. As your aide, it is my duty to take care of matters such as this..."

Scarlet silently glanced towards Silver who took her seat and consumed the contents of her wine glass in one gulp, her expression still dark and gloomy.

"Mhmm. Still, thank you..." She looked back at Eigeel. Without him she wouldn't be able to convince Silver to partner with Levin, her hatest enemy.

After a while, Scarlet spoke up again, planning to resume their meeting.

"Since everything has been settled, Silver and Levin will start working on this mission tomorrow. Everyone present in this room must lend their hand in this as well. Understood?"

The Scarlet Order bowed their heads, acknowledging her instructions. "As her majesty bids it. We will follow."

Scarlet nodded and eyed the two. "I'll be expecting your reports in a week, Levin... Silver..."

Both of them simultaneously nodded their head at once. "Yes, my queen!"

Knock knock knock!

Scarlet looked at Talon who was standing behind her. "Who is it?"

Getting what his mistress wants him to do, Talon went to the doors and opened it to see who was knocking outside.

Surprisingly, it was the little Jasper who knocked and behind him was his servant, Anselme.

"I hope I'm not interrupting the meeting." Jasper said in his child-like voice. His expression calm and composed like an adult as he spoke.

Scarlet was surprised there for a moment. What is Jasper doing here?

Scarlet felt like she was about to have a headache for thinking about the reason so she smiled and welcomed Jasper for now.

"Don't worry. You're not interrupting anything... Talon, let him in."