STop!STop! It's me the author, sorry for interrupting. I know you're frustrated but this is evenly important. I hereby present to you the Backstories and appearance of the MCs.


1. Alex Turner-

Alex is a cheeky and delightful boy. He is 14 years old. He lost his parents only a few days after he was born. His birth date is indeed very, VERY unique as it marked the beginning of the process of making the "CAKE-32".

He has pure black hair with oval eyes. He truly looks beautiful when he smiles. But, he is not like a model as you all expected. He is cute, but he doesn't like anyone calling him 'cute'. He wants himself to be called handsome. He recently started doing exercise to build up muscle, biceps, triceps, etc.

Alex's parents were scientists. They worked together at the Hexagon Headquarters. They thought that Hexagon's purpose is for the benefit of people. But, when the secret of the CAKE-32 was exposed to them, they decided to tell it to their fellow scientists. But, when Callan Anderson (founder of the company) discovered that, he employed a hitman to kill them. When Alex's mother was playing with him, she was murdered by a sniper. The same happened with his father. Now he was all alone! An orphan!

Spills of blood now covered Alex's face, he was in agony. Waves of unimaginable pain shot down his spine, his throat had dried up. His back arched up at an unnatural angle. His arms and legs began to shake.


Since then, with the sophistication of years, Alex grew up into a mentally strong and self-reliable boy. But, Alex never experienced love. He didn't know what LOVE was. He would often feel lonely, seeing other kids with their parents and would always wait (in his mind) for some to pick him up….

Alex tries to show that he is very happy and joyous, but he also has a serious and earnest side, which he often doesn't show. He always tries to be helpful to his friends and loves to see everyone happy. As you all already have guessed that Alex secretly loves Emily, but is afraid to tell her so. He thinks that he is not beautiful.

His motto is that "The people who break the written and unwritten rules are TRASH, but those who disregard or betray their friends or family members are worse than trash and are the worst."

Alex also believes that "Once you question your own belief or task, it's over."

2. Emily Thompson-

Emily Thompson belonged to a very rich family. She had a very happy and lavish life. His father was the chief contributor to the Hexagon Company. He gave monetary help to them. He had a good position in the city and had a very busy life. Still, he managed to get time to play and spend time with Emily.

Emily had a very good bond with her parents, especially her mother. All-day, she would play with her and have food with her. Emily's mother loved her with all her heart. She would tie her ponytail every day and talk to Emily

But the only bad thing about her was, that she would always hide her pain. Whenever she had a fever, she would ignore it by saying that it is normal for women of her age.

Everything was going nice and easy, but the circumstances turned worse when Emily's mother was diagnosed with AIDS. At that time Emily was a very little girl. She didn't know, what was going on. The environment of the house was now very dull and lonely. Emily's mother would always lie on her bed. Now there was nobody to tie her ponytail. Emily's hair would remain shabby and intermingled. The type of AIDS that her mother had was very fatal.

Even the scientists of Hexagon Company were having a tough time finding a cure for it. But when, by the grace of God, the cure was found,


it was TOO LATE for her mother.

Emily's mother had died. This had a very negative effect on Emily. But, the cure was then used to cure millions of AIDS patients around the world. Even though the cure was very expensive, Emily's father made it free for everyone as he didn't want anybody else to suffer like him.

He became very depressed from that incident. Money couldn't buy him happiness. Day by day his depression increased.

After a few months, he committed suicide.

The days passed by, Emily grew up, and then she started to realize that making a very deep bond with someone, only makes you weak. She also realized that only if her father was not involved in the Hexagon, he would have been right beside her mother all the time, and could easily sense the symptoms in its early stages.

She was just too naive.

When she also started having a fever, she had a check-up. She was also diagnosed with AIDS (as it is a genetic disease). The cure that his father made for her mother was used to cure her....

Her mother used to say" All efforts are pointless if you don't believe in yourself"

Emily also believes that" It's too late to regret, the reality is constantly moving forward."

3. Leo-

Leo (as you have read about him till now)is a very composed and calm boy. Leo is tall and has a v like face. His hair color is brown and is always wearing the same T-shirt since past INFINITE years, saying"THUG-LIFE". He is 15 years old. You may think that he is doesn't have a heart and doesn't love anybody,

BUT if you think so then you are totally wrong. He loves Alex and Emily very much. According to me, he has all the qualities that a gentleman possesses. Leo is a very sophisticated boy. As he is unaware of his parents, so he didn't have a surname.

His back-story is very mysterious as he only talks in bits and doesn't explain anything. He only talks clearly when the circumstances are VERY serious. (by VERY SERIOUS, I mean VERY serious)

Till now, the only thing that is revealed about him is that Leo was going to be one of the test subjects of the CAKE-32 when it was still in development.

There (At a very small age), he saw the grim reality of the world.

Murders, torture, drug smuggling... HE saw everything.

He saw the torture that other subjects were suffering. But somehow he managed to escape from the laboratory.

From then he was all alone, no one was there to support him. The area where he grew up was also very negative and dull. He was caught by a group of criminals who trained him, how to use firearms, grenades and so on.

But from the heart he was not a criminal, so he ran away from them. He faced many difficulties, but that only made him stronger.

Leo also likes to do yoga and meditation.

He is following Gautama Buddha from a very young age. He has a quick response time, which was proved when he saved Emily from the zombie. (later)

All this shows that Alex, Emily, and Leo were destined to meet each other. They are some way or another related to CAKE-32. They are very unique in their own way.