I, Alex Mercer, before escaping from the shelter, would like to acknowledge my sweet shelter.

How a story can be complete without this?

I already told you about its appearance. BUT now its time for the people!!

Just like India WAS a diverse land, our shelter is no less.


(drum roll)

THE PAMPERED CHILDREN(I hate them the most)

You can already guess about them. But here, no no no no no. The P children here are of a whole different level. Their parents are risking their lives to do anything for them. The 'members' of this cult think that they are on the top, but someone needs to make them realize the truth. I already have a VERY clever plan for teaching them a lesson. But let's leave that for another day (only if I will survive).

The epitome of pampered children is Ryan. He had PLAYSTATION 500!!! He said that it was the last model available just before the apocalypse.

His father risked his life to just bring him that.

He is truly a pampered boy. He controls his parents on his fingertips. Legends say that once he as about to burn the whole of our food supply just to see a flame. AND his father saved him from getting a scold. If I were him. I would have perished. All the boys in the shelter envy him.


They include both adults and children, all of them have nothing to do but discuss about the future, the repercussions of the apocalypse. They are totally useless to us. Most of The Overthinkers are pessimist, I would advise you to stay away from them.

The Overthinkers have devised many theories like==The END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR(All of them say this line with a ghostly tone),

They also say that in a few years our food supply will run out and we will be forced to eat each other(EWWW!) Leo was once a part of them. but he resigned.

Now let's just leave them.

Now I'll introduce you to the MESSENGERS

As the name suggests, they are the messengers of the shelters. If anyone of them would hear anything interesting, they will spread the news like a fire in the woods. They were once about to spread the rumor that Emily and I were in a relationship. But Emily stuffed their mouth with money Be aware of them.

But one way to keep them quiet is to feed them with money. Messengers specialize in gossips, scandals, rumors, tales, etc. They earn a lot of money. Their signature move is to rub their hands in a devilish manner. THEIR MOTTO is ""IF YOU FIND A NEWS, THEN CHASE IT, DONT FORGET TO PUT SPICES IN IT!!"

Their leader is LEO.

No, not that LEO, but LEEEEEEEEO, he is the king of them all. He has the experience of doing this since birth when he repeated everybody's words.



They all are the people you wish to be like. They are the epitome of greatness. People of the shelter have even exalted them to the position of God!!!

They are the only ones who fight their way through the zombies to collect the basic necessities of life.

Their leader... you can imagine by yourselves is the greatest and strongest of them ALL . If you ask me about him, you will grow old listening to me.

Leo was once trained by him when he was 9 or 10. That's a huge deal. Everyone says that Leo would be the future leader of the Brave Hearts. I will not let him be.

For becoming a Braveheart, you will have to pass 5 tests. The first one tests your strength, the second one tests your wisdom, the third one tests your trust in your comrades and also your teamwork, the fourth one tests your skills in weapons and least but not the least, THE FIFTH TEST is UNKNOWN!

I have heard that when the people who pass the first 4 tests, hear about the fifth test, they immediately quit like scaredy cats. I will surely write about it when ill grow old.

This proves that the people who become Bravehearts are truly amazing.

Our previous Braveheart Leader, DIED :*( saving us from a hoard of zombies and mutants.

As I told you I wouldn't stop.