Change of Interest

At first, Yuenelia was surprised to find him taking Magic Cure. Medicine was never his thing. Studying was also never his thing.

She was so sure that he will be into sports since he used to be the captain of their junior high basketball team. He was also into volleyball. He was even chosen to represent their district on both sports. But after they entered high school, he seemed to have lost all interest.

They were given the application form after being enrolled in high school for a month. They can choose to take extra courses or sports or clubs for their afternoon session.

"I'm taking Magic Cure in Medicine. It's right up my alley! What about you?" Yuenelia asked Zordyz as she filled in her form.

When she didn't get any response, she looked up at him. Just as she was about to call him "Hey-"

"The same as you," he replied lazily, handing in his form before her.

"Eh? Why medicine? Aren't you into sports? You could've joined the volleyball team! They would love to have you." Yuenelia said, clearly shocked at his decision.

"Yeah, yeah! What about our basketball team, dude? Are you going to abandon us?" Ayden chimed in, waving his form in front of him.

A few of his teammates also surrounded him, asking for a reason. Soon, many more came over.

"What? Can't I choose something new? Give me a break! My body hurts from all that training for three straight years. I'm sick of it now." Zordyz raised one of his eyebrows, he was not amused with them ganging up on him.

They were all dejected with his answer.

"What a waste of talent! Boo! Our captain didn't want us anymore!" Ayden was making a scene, the rest of the team followed along.

"I will join you guys once in a while, but I won't commit like how I was in junior high okay? Don't ask for me if you're not in an urgent need of members." he came to a compromise, sighing and feeling helpless with their pleadings.

"It's a promise then! We'll surely need you during tournaments!" they cheered loudly. Satisfied with his reply, they left him alone.

Yuenelia who was sitting opposite him was giggling nonstop.

Zordyz was speechless. Not only did she not help him out, she even laughed at him.

"I know you won't be heartless. A little push and you melt right through," she said, resting her chin on her hands.

He furrowed his brows, his childhood friend was watching a great show of him getting pressured by so many people to compromise instead of lending a hand.

"You're kind after all. There's no way you'll refuse, especially with Ayden." she ruffled his hair.

"You should just join them full-time."

"Nah, too much trouble," he answered, playing with his pencil.

"But, can you pass the test?"

"What test?" he blinked at her, clueless.

"Oh, dear! You didn't even read the requirements to take the course!" she smacked the application form in his face.

He skimmed through the form and pushed it aside.

"I'll manage, somehow."

"What do you mean you'll manage it somehow? The test won't be a walk in the park. It's a medical course. You have to know plenty to pass the qualification test." Yuenelia explained.

"What makes you think I can't pass the test?" Zordyz challenged her.

"Tell me what type of books I need to read. The test is in two weeks anyway, plenty of time." he snorted.

"Are you seriously going to start now? Zor, you're ridiculous!" Yuenelia exclaimed.

"Nothing's going to go wrong. Chill." Zordyz said as he laid spread out on the table, sleeping.

He might be a total sports freak back in junior high but surprisingly he never flunked his exams.

"Just so you know, I won't be helping you! You're better off doing silly things with the boys." she stuck out her tongue.

The guys on the side were all infatuated by her adorable expression.

Zordyz carried two bags full of books home that day. His books were scattered all over the dining table when his mother was bringing out the food.

"Zor, where am I supposed to put the food with all this junk? Move!"

He made some space for her to put down the dishes. She looked at the books her son was holding. Her long curly burgundy-coloured hair tumbled over her shoulders as she bent down to pick up a book.

"Since when were you into studying medicine?" his mother asked. She put the book on the table and sat down beside him.

"Change of interest. Do you know about these topics? I've looked into some of them but the terms were confusing." Zordyz scratched his head.

"I've studied them back in my days. Easy! With your IQ, you will learn everything in no time!"

His mother; Milya Mildkir was no stranger to medicine at all. She used to work as a nurse and later, a pharmacist after marrying his father.

She quitted her job after they moved to Hertbane City when Zordyz was three. Since then, she has been a fulltime housewife as her husband often travels overseas for his work.

"I'll help you with it after dinner. Eat up, you must be hungry!"