Who Are You?

Zordyz was wearing his school's basketball tracksuit. The blue stripes on the sleeves of his jacket made him look even more striking than usual. The colour complimented his eyes well and he earned his nickname through it.

It has been a while since she last saw him wearing it.

Yuenelia has gone to countless tournaments to cheer him on. And every single time, when Zordyz came out for warm-up in his jacket, the girls would go crazy. They went even crazier when he took it off for the real match.

But her?

She just looked silently from afar, full of pride - like a mother to a child.

Their eyes would often meet during the match intervals. Somehow he was able to find her in the sea of people.

He rarely smiles in front of other people but the twinkle in his eyes was enough to show that he was happy that she showed up for his matches.

Zordyz was short in his first year of junior high. Due to his incredible insight, he played as a point guard for basketball and setter for volleyball. As he grew taller and stronger at the end of his second year, he changed position to power forward and wing spiker respectively.

Their school team had quite a huge success for three whole years. His stern and calm nature were perfect as a captain.

However, the moment they entered high school, he suddenly stopped playing sports altogether.

"Tea?" Zordyz's voice came from the kitchen.

"With milk."

"Okay." he prepared it swiftly and came out with tea and sandwich.

"These are good!" Zordyz said with a mouthful of sandwich.

"Mum made them for afternoon tea," Yuenelia said, flipping through his books that were scattered on the dining table.

Suddenly, she heard some shuffling noises and looked up to find him taking off his jacket.

She used to see him took it off during training and in a match. But watching it from such a close distance made her blushed slightly.

Zordyz usually combs his hair up during matches to make himself look even more intimidating to his opponents but today he had his hair down. It was in a mess as he didn't bother to comb it since he was not going out. But, messy or not, to the girls, he was attractive in both hairstyles.

He was wearing a plain black square-cut tank top underneath his jacket, showing off his well-trained muscles. With the jacket tied to his waist, he looked like he just came back from his daily workout.

"Why are you wearing sports attire at home?"

"It's cold just now and these are easy to move in," Zordyz said.

"You're not going anywhere anyway," Yuenelia said as she took a sandwich from his plate.

"It's comfy," he said as he chewed on another sandwich, his hands busy tidying up the books on the table.

Zordyz knocked over the pile of books that was at the corner of the table and they all fell onto the floor.

"Don't just dump them everywhere!" Yuenelia complained. She picked up the books and noticed Zordyz holding his head.


His face showed great pain and it was gone in a matter of seconds.

"Zor? Are you okay?" she asked again.

"Huh? Who are you?" Zordyz looked at Yuenelia with a confused face.

"Just when I'm here," Yuenelia exclaimed. "Look. You don't have to worry about anything, just sit down, have some tea and you'll be fine."

"No. I don't know you. You can't be in my house." Zordyz said as he took a few steps back.

His personality changed drastically when he has his episodes. He became cautious and suspicious, timid even.

She tried asking her mother about it but she just laughed and told her Zordyz was only pranking her. She tried asking his mother too but she has told her that she never saw Zordyz forgetting anything or anyone, not even once. It seems that it always happens when she was around.

"Do you remember Yue?" she tried asking in another way around.

Zordyz furrowed his brows for a very long time. "No."

Her heart ached whenever he gave that answer. It had happened too many times but she never knows how to respond to it. She will never get used to it.

"I'll sit right there. I'm not going to do anything to you." Yuenelia said.

She went and sat down in the living room, as Zordyz looked at her with a face full of confusion.

Zordyz's episodes never last too long. The longest she had seen was 3 hours. Miraculously, he always recovers every time she started to cry.

She was worried to no ends. Over the years, little by little, the duration has become longer. If this keeps up, he might forget about her and will never remember her again.

Zordyz looked on from the distant, trying hard to remember her. It was a heartbreaking sight to see.

She wanted to run to him and hold his hand, to tell him it's okay. But at this moment, she was just a stranger to him.