
Zordyz looked down at the floor, his expression was solemn. He held his throbbing head, it still hurts a little.

It was a genuine episode but this time he recovered quite fast from it. His teasings and silly banter with Yuenelia were only a facade to hide the times he enters a world of discord in his mind.

He did it so often that Yuenelia thought he was just messing with her. They would fight over it but it was his way to stay connected to her even when he forgot her face in that short amount of time.

He sighed heavily. His electric blue eyes dimmed.

Zordyz didn't want to make her cry but that was the only gateway for him to return to normal. Her tears were proof that he was important to her.

He hated the fact that he has to make his amnesia into a joke just so Yuenelia never feels sad later on. Yes, she would end up being mad at him but never sad afterwards. Her being angry at him would only last for a day anyway so he was not worried about it.

"Tsk, stupid illness," he cursed at himself.

He closed the curtain, lowered the air conditioner's temperature, wore his jacket and went back to studying.

"He's the worst! Why does he have to prank me like that?" Yuenelia fumed.

When she thought he was in serious pain, it was nothing. Her concerns were wasted!

Valerie and Milya were having tea in the garden as Yuenelia returned with a sulking face.

"You're back so early?" Valerie asked when she saw her daughter came home with a sour face and without the food container too.

"Didn't he need some help with his studies? He looked like he almost died from overloading this morning." Milya sipped on her tea.

"He'll be fine on his own, Aunt Milya. He can still play around, so there's no need to worry about him." Yuenelia said as she quickly walked into the house.

"What was Zor going at, making little Yue upset like that." Milya looked towards her house. "He's going to get it from me when I'm back home later."

"With that many books to read through, he's probably not in the mood to talk. You know how much he has changed over the years." Valerie chuckled.

"You know him better than me. I think we got the wrong child here." Milya laughed.

"He used to be such a cheerful and cheeky little boy. But the older he gets, the darker his mood gets too. I still miss that little boy." Valerie reminisced about the past.

"Not going to happen, he's an edgy werewolf right now. He snarls and sulks at everything he doesn't like." Milya continued to laugh.

"Was Lloyd like that too at Zordyz's age? An edgy werewolf?" Valerie changed the subject.

At the mention of her husband, Milya blushed.

"No. He's very mellow. A little too quiet if you asked me. People didn't even know he's a werewolf. He never liked to show that side of him to anyone." she said, her voice filled with affection.

The two women enjoyed their chat for a long time.

Meanwhile, Yuenelia went on with her usual weekend routine. She read into more magic related diseases. She was fully prepared for the test so there was no pain in learning about the first lesson in advance.

Zordyz, on the other hand, has fallen asleep on the dining table. For the whole week, he has been going home early to study; ignoring all the invites for basketball or volleyball games from his friends.

And to prove his ability, he refused to let her help him with it. He made the dining table into his base for studying because it was the biggest table he can find in the house, which annoyed his mother with how cluttered it gets. He indeed catches up very fast but in return, his sleep suffered.

He hasn't been sleeping well for the past week but Yuenelia's presence today calmed his mind. Her house's compound was full of gardenia and the flower's fragrant smell has somehow stuck on her since she was a child.

The smell of gardenia fits her very well as she was known for her gentleness and she never stresses anyone out with her presence.

Zordyz has a keen nose so even after Yuenelia left, her scent was still lingering in the air. With that soft and mellow smell, he slowly fell asleep until come evening when his mother returned home.

"What's this boy doing sleeping on the table again? It's almost dinner time." Milya walked straight towards Zordyz, intending to wake him up.

After seeing how comfortable he was sleeping, she didn't have the heart to wake him. It's been years since she saw such a peaceful expression on his sleeping face. He always has a frown on his face when he sleeps.

Walking into the kitchen, she decided to let him rest a little longer and only wake him when dinner is ready.