
He rarely went home with Yuenelia when he was still active in both basketball and volleyball club. There were little to no days off for him but he did not mind at all. It was what he enjoyed doing the most at the time.

Only now was he more self-conscious around her. Walking home smelling of sweat for the entire way was not exactly pleasant too especially when you have someone with you.

The streetlights cast a soft glow on them, particularly on Yuenelia's hair; making her shine more.

"Any thoughts on going back to playing full-time?" Yuenelia turned to look at Zordyz.

"Nah, but it's good exercise." Zordyz ruffled his now dry hair.

When they reached the park, he stopped in his track.


"Look. I know I've told you before but I'll tell you again. My interest lies with medicine now so playing sports will never be my priority anymore." Zordyz grumbled, pinching his brows.

"It's just that you don't seem enthusiastic about it. I'm afraid you'll be bored with it soon." Yuenelia's shoulders drooped. "You looked much happier when you're on the court."

"I do like moving around, it keeps my body in shape. Studying all day won't do me good," he sighed.

"The way I studied for the qualifying exam was a one time gig. I won't do that again," Zordyz patted her head, showing a slight smile. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop it."

His palm radiated with such warmth, as with his eyes. They were just as kind as ever. It's an expression he rarely shows in school.

"Let's walk?"

Yuenelia nodded and followed him closely.

Two weeks zipped past and the tournament started. As expected, Zordyz was on the bench for the first match.

Those who came to see him were slightly disappointed but the same can't be said for the team they were going against. His presence on the side was stifling enough. They were not sure whether to feel relieved or insulted that Zordyz was not involved in the match.

Right before the break time of the first quarter of the game, Ayden walked near the opponent's side.

"Sorry, you guys won't be getting any chance to play with him. Not good enough yet." Ayden snickered, clearly taunting them. "You have to try harder if you want him to come out here."

"Ayden, stop that." Cadence interrupted, dragging him back to their bench.

"What? I'm just making sure they're going to give their all. Nobody likes half-hearted matches." Ayden sulked.

"I don't like it when people think it'll be easy to get through me." a slight annoyance in his voice. "I can see it in their eyes."

"You and your shorty issues," Cadence laughed. "It's going to be fine. They won't have time to look down on you once you get into gears. As of now, you're already giving them plenty of troubles."

"Right, let's get into it, Cady!" Ayden beamed.


'They held the tournament in Vortne High. That's quite far from here. I wonder if they've finished their match?' Yuenelia looked out the window.

She just finished her Magic Cure lesson.

"Better head home now," she said in a small voice.

The way home felt quieter than usual. She was on her own today. The days of walking home in the evening have come to an end after Zordyz finished fine-tuning his body for the tournament. She took smaller and slower steps, enjoying a book as she goes.

Unbeknownst to her, she was stalked by a man dressed in a grey windbreaker jacket.

"'re mine..." the man whispered to himself, following her from a distance. The corners of his mouth constantly twitched, trying hard to keep the ominous aura from seeping out of his body.

He suddenly stopped and turned to another road when he saw a person approaching Yuenelia. He slowly retreated into the back alley and vanished.


"Aexiq? Why are you here?" Yuenelia spun around, startled by his sudden appearance.

"My house is in this direction too. It's normal to meet on the way home, right?" Aexiq smiled.

Yuenelia nodded.

"Not many students use this path it seems. It might be dangerous to walk alone like this," he expressed his concern.

"Oh, I usually walk with Zordyz so it's safe," Yuenelia said bashfully.

"Figures. He hasn't been in class for quite some time. Did he quit?" Aexiq asked and began to walk with her.

"He's busy with the basketball tournament. It'll be another week before he returns," she responded.

'He sure has time on his hands, going all over the place like that.' he thought.

"Hmm...does that mean you'll be going home alone for the whole week?" he asked again.

Before Yuenelia could answer...

"I apologise for that, didn't mean to ask so many questions? Bad habit." Aexiq apologized, looking away.

"If it's okay with you, I can accompany you home after school ends. Our house is in the same direction, might as well," he suggested, scratching his nose.

"Thank you, Aexiq." she lets out a small chuckle, noticing his nervous gesture.

She sensed and appreciated his sincerity. It was something people who approached her usually lacked.

Aexiq glanced into the alley, his eyes on alert for any movements.