070 Shadow Moon XI

The Introduction of VR on earth has revived the dying community of gaming.

As in the last four centuries since the revival of human communities after the apocalyptic war, almost all kind of game genre has already been made. Because of that, for the last 50 years, the gaming industry is on the verge of dying, in fact, simple farming games are even more popular than any high-quality games, that was because no new original concepts game has been released in the last five decades.

It was always a copy of another game or something similar, so when Grand Tech Corp. introduced the full dive VR on Earth the whole gaming world rejoices.

It can be said that many huge companies on earth have been repeatedly asking HFA for the introduction of VR on earth but completely, and repeatedly been denied because HFA knows that if VR is introduced the number of rare materials they would be able to get from earth will decrease, and that's why they don't want any products that consumes many rare materials to be introduced on earth.

But Grand Tech Corporation is different for it is a Branch Company of Grand Trading Corp. So there's no way to prevent it from releasing the VR on Earth.

And another thing since its already been announced the HFA can no longer stop it even if they want to. They tried to talk Dianna to cancel the introduction of VR, but they have been refused as the reputation of Grand company is at stake so no matter how much they said the introduction of VR is Inevitable, so they resort to espionage they want to destroy the VR Tech before it can be introduced but that's even more idiotic as every agent they sent is never heard from again.

Eventually, they give up as they can't interfere with Earth in the open, and the only way they can stop it is by attacking Grand Trading openly using large force, which is something they will never do as GFA will never allow it, even if they are part of it.

Of course, they also tried Using Criminal organizations but almost all top criminal organizations refused to make a commotion in UG because it is under Shadow Moon protection.

So they tried asking Shadow Moon as well but all agent they sent to negotiate to Shadow Moon comes empty as they weren't able to contact them.

That Made HFA confused, but eventually, they have no choice as to compromise. because if they keep on preventing VR from being released on earth. It would have a very big impact on their reputation on earth which is still their number one source of soldiers and many rare materials.

Arc wasn't worried about what HFA would do as he knows they can't deal with him in the open especially on earth, and even on space HFA won't deal with them as they are protected by GFA even if they are part of it they are just one of the many human superpowers controlling it, and the other won't stand by as HFA destroy the relationship between GFA and Grand Trading corporation as they are their only source of military-grade solutions which are very vital to the war.

HFA isn't stupid either as they know what they can do and what they can't do. Falling out with Grand Trading this early is not wise, not until they manage to get a hold of the technology to create military-grade solutions.

HFA believes it's only a matter of time as it wasn't just them researching it. GFA has allocated a huge amount of resources and manpower in order to reverse-engineer the military-grade solution. For no power wants to rely on others for their survival, and military-grade solution plays a vital part in the war it's their lifeblood without it their ability to make war will decrease by 60% that's how important it was. And the fact that lifeblood is under control of a single power unnerve them...

So they allow Grand Trading to do whatever they want for now, but as soon as they manage to reverse-engineered the military-grade solution they will do everything to bring down the Grand Trading Corp. Completely...

Of course, Arc is aware of it that's why he added another safety on it just to be sure. he asked Eve to make sure that only Rank 5 tech is capable of deciphering the solutions, Eve reassured him that even if they manage to decipher it they won't be able to produce it without using the multi-purpose manufacturing factory.


Since the introduction of VR on earth all kinds of Communities, businesses emerged on earth greatly stimulating the economy on earth there are even many news channels dedicated to giving news and updates on VR communities 24/7.

Grand Tech didn't monopolize the VR Tech, they allow anyone who wants to participate in building VR communities, and the VR World was introduced as base to hold many VR apps created by other companies one of the most famous is VR Shopping and Dating, a good deal of VR shop and communities pop up one after another, of course, illegal activities are highly prohibited except for VR Sex as there's no stopping it, so instead of banning it, and allowing many criminal organization to take advantage of it Grand Tech. Allowed them but only people age 18 and above can see those shops and only if they want to.

And as the user account is tied to their citizen's ID and their biometrics nobody else can use their account besides them.

Many entrepreneurs are excited to develop in VR with a small monthly fee they can start their own business in VR World. VR opens up so many possibilities on earth concert is being played in VR, movies are being made using VR, and many more.

According to survey earth happiness increased by 20% since the introduction of VR, of course as Earth is celebrating HFV top executives are having a meeting on how to recoup their potential loses with the introduction of VR on earth.

But Arc doesn't care about it, he ordered Dianna to stockpile as much as they can of all rare and uncommon materials from earth...