072 Shadow Moon XIII

Over the past one and half years, a lot of things happen, and there are things that remain the same for example the Human war with Ganesh, there were no new developments GFA entered long reorganizations. Because combining many superpower forces is not as easy as they claimed. So for the past few months, GFA entered a passive state, but according to Lisa GFA is very quickly gathering large amounts of power, and it's only a matter of time before a real full-blown war with Ganesh would begin.

Arc once again is in his office in the new Grand Tower he was with Tiffa, and Jarvis along with Ash who would be going to Liberty in the next few days to set up a security system for the Grand Trading Corporation Headquarters on Liberty he would be cooperating with Mia who was almost done laying the foundation for the 50 kilometers soon to be HQ of Grand Trading Corporation.

The 5 kilometers given by HFA would be turned into a Grand Trading Corporation Shop and Office as originally intended the one given by GFA will be the HQ with only select few personnel are allowed to enter, for it will be turned into production facilities in the future.

Today is the day they will wipe out Chained Soul, supposedly the Army should be attacking Enigma City at the same time but bad weathers, and unforeseen events slow them down quite a bit, so they were delayed for a few days according to Tom who was the overall commander of the Army.


ETA 20 minutes it's now 9 pm and Chained Souls members are starting to get busy for today's regular activity, it's on this time of the day they are the most active. The specific time was chosen after observing, and studying them for quite some time. In order not to miss many of the hidden members of Chained Souls.

Shadow Unit chose to attack at the time when many of its hidden members are out and doing business, of course, this is only to not waste a lot of time hunting all its members for Eve has already identified all its members at least all that can be identified using her abilities.

According to Eve, she was 90% sure she had already identified all members of Chained Souls, the target is the whole organization all across the City of Shari. And more than 3000 members of Shadow Units will participate in the operations.

The remaining 10% was because Eve can't infiltrate the inner area of Chained souls Headquarters because it was cut off from the outside network. Almost anyone that can be identified has been identified along with many affiliates of Chained Souls.

Ruby and Jem are coordinating and arranging the Shadow Moon battle plan nonstop since yesterday, for this is the biggest operations of Shadow Moon since its founding.

This time Ruby and Jem are not participating in the actual attack but remain as a commander to supervise the operations, Eve also minimizes her participation besides giving the initial Intel she didn't participate in the upcoming battle operations and will only give support if needed.

Arc, on the other hand, was chatting with Mia regarding the development of the construction on Liberty, but mostly they were just chatting and flirting, Arc found out that many alien on Liberty are asking about the Food Solutions of Grand Trading Corporation.

But as Arc can't do business on space without being subjected to Earth noninterference law. So he told them that if they want the Food solutions they have to pick it up on Earth, as he can't sell it on space at the moment.

He thought that with those conditions the aliens who are interested in solutions would give up, and just wait for him to be able to sell in space. But just a few minutes after Mia gave them the conditions more than 10 of them immediately agree and want to set up a meeting.

Arc was dumbfounded when Mia gave him the news it wasn't even 30 minutes since his talk with Mia and his instruction for the purchased of food solutions, he underestimates the eagerness of the alien merchants.

"It looks like their dedications are no less than any human merchants' haha," Arc said in his mind.

He always had a bias opinions against Aliens as great beings, and very mysterious as HFA, and many Human Organization who left Earth barely give any info about the aliens they encountered in space, so most people on earth are ignorant about what actually happening and how many alien species the human have actually encountered before, so if one wants to learn more about them they can only pay great price to HFA or Any Human power in space to acquire the information they want, or they can join them and be a soldier, that's the only way they can found out about the real situations in space.

Even the war with Ganesh would have been restricted if HFA or GFA don't need the soldiers and more resources on earth, the only reason they released the news to earth is to gain more Soldiers and resources on earth if not for those reasons earth would remain ignorant of the war.

Mia gave him the list of the names and species of the aliens interested in the Grand Training Solutions, Arc instructed Mia to give a few samples of solutions to the aliens to make sure the solutions are compatible with them.

Actually, Arc wasn't worried as Nine reassured him that the solutions are compatible with all life. As the solutions turn into energy the moments it entered the bodies leaving no residue behind that might conflict with one physiology.

As the food solutions purposed is to replenish the energy, and not to fill their stomach.

So Arc immediately set up the meeting 10 days later to give them time to do proper procedures in visiting Earth.