099 Shadow Moon XL

"Give me a report!"

"Sir that based belongs to former General Li Fang, according to the Intel we gathered by drones and Shadow Units there's about 120,000 plus soldiers under Li Fang, but we don't know how many are in the base exactly."

"Give me report in their equipment and weaponry." Said Wedge.

"Sir, the drones pick up many heavy types of machinery inside the base about 200 T-66 combat Tanks, 150 T-45 anti-air Tanks...

And 40 FG-33 fighter jet sir."

"That's a lot of firepower for someone located in the wilderness, I wonder what's he preparing from, by amassing that much power here in Enigma where only Beast and Monsters exist." Said Wedge.

"Call for reinforcements, my men should be done clearing the mob and Jack and his Butcher gang by now. Have some of them come here for reinforcement also request for combat drones we may need them to deal with the enemy air forces." Ordered Wedge.

"Right away sir."


"General this is the report!"

Li Fang read the report about the enemy.

"Hmm, this is weird I wonder what Enigma City has for a power like Shadow Moon to be interested in it. What am I missing?" Murmured Li Fang.

"Any movement from the enemies?"

"Non-sir, They are about five kilometers away from our base they have many unidentified heavy types of machinery lined up, we can identify some of them like the tanks and artillery but many of the machinery they have is unknown to us, and we have no idea of their uses." Said, Ko Sheng.

Ko Sheng, the adviser and strategist of Fang Brigades under General Li Fang. He was one of the key personnel that helps Li Fang to become the most feared General in the Pan Asian Alliance. (PAA)

"What do you make of this Sheng?"

"Hmm, hard to say General we know almost nothing about our enemy. Not their objective nor their power. I'm afraid we can only speculate in this kind of situation. But we must plan ahead General."

"Plan ahead huh, you mean a means to escape right?"

"Exactly! we can probe them of their power and capabilities if they are beyond us we can escape, and fight again when we have enough strength. But if they prove to be weaker than us."

"Yeah I know, but retreating will be hard this time. Enigma City is a natural fortress as well as a natural Prison."

"Unfortunately they took us by surprise and gets the better of us they were able to take better positions than us. Now, most of our escaped route is blocked and the one we can use is considered a suicide."

"Death Valley, I've heard rumors about that place, but never pay attention to it. Is what the rumored true General?" Ask Sheng.

"True? No those rumors are all false that place is far more dangerous than all rumors combine!"

"Eh, you knew something about it General?"

"More than that, did you not suspect why the PAA did not follow us here?"

"I see, I was wondering about that. As even though this City is very isolated and a natural fortress if FAA really wants to pursue us, they have the capability to do it albeit they will have to pay more than usual." sheng look at Li Fang and said, "what exactly is in Death Valley General?"

"It's an old legend, a legend that all power on earth has tried to erase from history. For it was humanity's greatest failure and greatest sin."


"When the reinforcement arrived we begin our assault when the drones arrive, start firing the artillery, and start grinding our enemy down." Ordered Wedge.

"Yes, sir."


"Queen they breach our third defensive perimeter."

"Send team C. Deploy the poison traps. We need to delay them as long as possible." Said, Queen. She's being anxious she needs time to prepare an escape route.

"Darn it, I should have escaped the first chance I get. Now I'm trapped here in my own lair." Said Queen in his mind as she paced around.

"Give me a report on Emma any news from them?" Ask Queen.

"No my Queen, We have no word from them since they left."

"Call Pia and Jiro"

"My Queen, they are in the field holding off the enemy's advance."

"Have someone take their place I have an important mission for them."

"Yes My Queen"

Moments later. You call for us my Queen, Pia and Jiro kneeled down with their right arms in their chest.

"Stand up, I have an important mission for both of you"

"Command us, my Queen," said Jiro

"I want both of you to go to the Humura building and retrieve a device for me. I already sent Emma, but still no word from her. She might have encountered some trouble, back her up if she were alive or retrieve the device for me if she not. I will send the details of the device or what it looks like and where to retrieve it, through your comm. Go and prepare. You have 5 minutes to get ready. Bring anything you think is necessary for this mission cannot fail. Got it, I'm counting on both of you."

"Of course my Queen" both Pia and Jiro answered with a fanatic look in their eyes.

"After they left Queen slump back into her chair." I really hope they would be able to retrieve it, as I don't want to leave everything here." Said Queen in her mind.

"Sir the drone has managed to clear the area ahead."

"Darn it, this is taking too long" Cursed Biggs "where's the wide range detector? Did it arrive yet?"

"No, sir. It's still in transport but a mob is slowing it down, the Shadow Unit is already clearing the way for it, they will arrive in about 30 minutes."

"I see, advance forward to the cleared area. And be careful of ambush and sniper." Ordered Biggs. "Why the hell did I choose this part godammit"

"Sir there's movement from our enemies in front."

"Oh, what are they planing now? That Queen is one crafty girl."

"Sir they seem to deploy some kind of poison gas in the surrounding area 300 meters in front."

"Poison? What is she planing now?" Said Biggs in his mind. "Blow it away! Use the air canon send it back to them!" Ordered Biggs.

"Yes, sir."

Soon a five truck with a huge canon on its back roll in front.

"Lieutenant the Air canon is in positions!"

"Good, as soon as the charging is complete fire it."

"Yes, lieutenant."

30 seconds later. 5 bang sounds blasted at the same time.

The air cannon blasted not only the poison but all debris on its way sending it flying for more the 100 meters. Cars, broken rocks lamp posts even houses, and small buildings are all sent flying back...

"What the hell is that?" Queen's men heard 5 explosions and suddenly countless debris and even the poisonous cloud are sent on their way. "RUUUN!!!"