It has been ten days since the operation on the half planet Kurtha ended. And because of that event the Ganesh who was very aggressive started to slow down their advances.

And GFA and other forces that are fighting the Ganesh was surprised by the sudden move of Ganesh, because they are unaware of the event that took place in Kurtha they were confused by the sudden slow down of Ganesh... Some believe that the Ganesh is beginning to deplete their forces some believe that the Ganesh is planning something sinister... But the majority believe that they are winning the war and that the Ganesh is starting to think twice about the war.

Only Grand Trading didn't believe that for they are aware of just how big and powerful the organization behind the Ganesh is.

Ten days ago they were able to capture one of the commanders and a scientist called the Professor in a secret base of Ganesh on planet Kurtha...

And using all kinds of the method they were able to find out who or what the Ganesh really are.

And just like what their big boss has said the Ganesh is a product of special tools but base on a real lifeform. In other words, they are modified clones.

Unfortunately, they were unable to find out the name or the leader of the forces behind the Ganesh as there is a very powerful restriction preventing the information to be assessed. And if they insist it will endanger the person. And right now they needed the Commander or the Professor alive.

Its already enough they were able to learn a lot about their enemies, so they can prepare for it.

In fact, Oda and Gaia, as well as Legion didn't really care about the information they got from the professor or commander as their objectives remain the same to become more powerful. They already know they will be facing enemies far more powerful than the Ganesh. Only their time table change as they are now aware that anytime the forces behind the Ganesh can come and destroy them. So they need to prepare for it ASAP.

Oda and the rest were surprised the moment they saw the commander and the professor as they don't resemble the Ganesh at all, in fact, they are close to being human their skin is a bit greyish as well as a lot taller the commander is at least 5 meters tall and the professor is around 4 meters the rest of the scientist are also about the same height.

The name of their race is very hard to pronounce in the human tongue so ODA gives them a nickname Vanir. Base on the old mythology... According to the data they gathered from their prisoner the Vanir is one of the top power in the main universe. They are Warmonger race who likes to conquer and expand their influence. But a few years ago they have destroyed and conquered a planet they shouldn't have, unaware that the planet they destroyed is the home planet of a very old and powerful race.

And when that old race found out about it they were enraged and so a war broke out. And it's a war the Vanir are not prepared for. In just a span of a few years, their kingdom shrank to more than fifty percent and their enemy is hell-bent on destroying them. And the real reason they are after the bright galaxy is that it is the one place their enemy won't pursue them. Unfortunately, Oda and the rest dint know the reason why, but one thing is for sure the forces behind the Ganesh won't stop until they got the bright galaxy under their control. As it was a safe haven for them from their enemies.

It was also fortunate that entering the Bright Galaxy is very hard to do that even with Ganesh advanced technology they have paid a great deal just to reach here.

That line confuses Oda, as he was aware that many small merchant alien race is going back and forth to the main Universe to trade, so how come the Ganesh said it's very hard to enter the Bright Galaxy.

But soon he found out why. It turns out for some reason the native of the bright galaxy can come back and forth without any problem but for the race born outside the Bright Galaxy, it is not that easy. And that every time someone from the outside tried to enter the bright Galaxy they were welcome by all sorts of disasters.

A lot of races have started to study the reason but after a long time, they were unable to figure out anything. So many give up. Of course, there are still some stubborn fellows who are hell-bent on figuring out the reason but their number is so few mostly independent researchers as no big forces would waste money on that venture.

But no matter the reason is it was a piece of good news to Oda and the rest, it also now makes sense why Ganesh would use native materials to build their forces when there are more powerful and better materials outside the Galaxy.

Oda and the rest now knew that Ganesh's reinforcement from the outside won't be able to arrive anytime soon. And that gives them time to prepares.

It also now makes sense why the Ganesh started attacking rich sectors because they wanted to gather materials to build their forces.

And that knowledge is very useful for Oda as he now knew that Ganesh was also restricted by how much resources they gathered.

Base on that they can plan better in the future.

Meanwhile, while Oda and the rest are picking up intel and knowledge from the commander and the professor.

Carou was conversing with one of the General of Vanir.

"General that's our situation right now"

"Hmmm, we knew it won't be easy as there are reason why those bastard won't go to that place, we just assume it is the restriction to enter. Don't get careless Carou. You know how important your mission is and failure is not an option. You know what awaits you if you fail. But I understand your situation. I will discuss this with the Lord in the meantime buildup your forces, slow the advance and fight intelligently if there are forces capable of dealing with a Berserker in that galaxy you should be careful."

"I understand General, I am sorry I will not be able to follow our previous time table." Carou bowed.

The General didn't respond and the transmission ended.