
After a long time Dianna finally arrived back to Earth, she doesn't have any attachments towards the Earth like ARC does, after all her only attachment is towards her Master and Boss Arc, like all other system personnel have in common. 

GT R&D department is located in the Maharlika kingdom. Deep underground, a gigantic research center has been built where the scientists from all races under GT works to purify Earth's contaminated area. 

And the majority of hired scientists both human and Alien race work here. The city is home to several important research facilities, and one of them is responsible for a better way to purify Earth's contaminated areas. 

While others are for solving the human fertility problems. It was also here that they developed many of the non-system products and that makes this place one of the GT high-security areas. It is almost impossible to get inside the city without the help of GT. After all, any physical way of connecting it to the outside world is sealed away, and only through tractor beam technology can one enter the city. 

Many of its former inhabitants have been trained and educated into helpers and assistants. They have come a long way from their former lives. Who can only survive through hunting and growing mushrooms deep underground. Of course, there was resistance at first, especially those who are in the ruling power, but Shadow Units made quick work of them, they punished those who have done any inhuman acts. And promoting those who genuinely wanted to help their fellow men. 

And so GT provided them the means to do so. They educated them, helped to build a city for them to manage, and gave them a good and secure way to live. These are all not without a price of course. They will become GT employees entrusted with managing the city, after all, scientists needs to relax and enjoy themselves once in a while. To relieve their stress and the city was built for that purpose. 

Every scientist who signs an exclusive contract with GT needs to stay in the GT R&D facility in Maharlika for 10 years cut off from the world. Of course, they can still connect to the internet, play games, and so forth. But they are not allowed to communicate with others from the outside world. 

It is a severe restriction, one that many would be unable to accept, but a necessary one as they would be handling many of the secret projects, and every scientist accepted that reality, as they know the importance of secrecy. Of course, they can bring their family if they want to, the city of Maharlika can provide the most lavish accommodations for them, in payment for the restrictions imposed upon them. 

And besides Maharlika city possessed everything any normal city has and more. Cinemas, amusement park, golf course, you name it, it's there. After all, what's the point in earning a huge amount of credits if you have nowhere to spend it. 

Maharlika city has about 30 thousand native inhabitants and GT has about 5-6 thousand employees under the R&D division in Maharlika. Supplies are all provided by GT and then sold to the natives, who in-turn then sell them to GT employees. This is how GT manages to form an equilibrium with locals. Of course, GT also provided them a means to produce their own products like the mushrooms, if cooked expertly can be considered a delicacy. 

Many products are also created from it such as tea to mushroom burgers, of course, mushrooms are not the only local product produced. Deep fish and other life forms can be found underground and the locals have found a way to use them and GT provided an alternative and better way to develop them. 

In fact, the mushrooms are one of the ingredients GT uses in producing their many non system health products. And many locals choose to be mushroom farmers and make a good living from it. 

Ever since GT arrived their lives turned for the better, no longer they would go on for days without food, now they can once again experience what it means to become a civilized person. 

When Dianna arrived in Maharlika she was surprised at how much it changed, after all the last time she visited it, it had just been liberated by GT. And now there are no more of the previous scenes where crumbling cottages litter the place and starving people are lying everywhere waiting for death. Now she sees children everywhere, happy children playing and laughing in the park. 

Back then the locals can't bear many children because they don't have the means to raise and feed them, so the ruling power highly regulated them, and any unwanted baby was immediately killed lest it used more resources. 

But now no such restrictions are placed, and as long as they can raise a child they can have as many as they like. This is one of the reasons GT chose to build the R&D department in Maharlika because for some reason the fertility of the locals is not affected. 

Originally Maharlika was chosen as a location for the army but after finding out that the local of Maharlika is not affected by infertility, Dianna choose to turn it into an R&D facility, maybe just maybe they can figure out a way to fix or cure human infertility. After all, it is one of Arc's goals to do so. And besides, the mushrooms that can only be found there contain certain life properties perfect for making health products and life extension medicines. Plus it is delicious and Arc's sisters can't have enough of them especially the fried mushrooms, it's their favorite snack. 

When she arrived at the research facility, she was greeted by the head researcher responsible for the whole Maharlika R&D facility. And one of the system personnel. Cid Master, it was he who contacted Dianna about the breakthrough regarding the purification of Earth's contaminated area. 

This new device is capable of purifying hundreds of kilometers at a time. Of course, it takes time but if deployed correctly they can purify Earth in around 5 to 20 years shorter if they go all out. The problem is it is quite expensive to build the device. And that's why Cid contacted Dianna as She is the only one who can decide on the matter not even Oda can. After all, Oda is only responsible for the development of the Army while Dianna is the one in charge of all GT's affairs. And to be honest Oda was there to provide support for her. 

As Arc's very first System personnel he considered Dianna and Tiffa to be really a part of his family, after all they were there from the very beginning and in a way they are responsible for what GT is today, and so before leaving he upgraded Dianna and Tiffa to the best he could. They are now close to being 3-star, almost the same level as Oda who was at peak of 2-star. 

This elevated Dianna and Tiffa capabilities to a whole new level. 

And before leaving for the marshes, he left Dianna in charge of GT, Oda in the Army, and Frankenstein to all Research related affairs. 

These three people are the real ones in charge of all GT's affairs, Dianna is the most important of all, as she is the one who truly makes decisions about GT's development and planning, and the two were there to support her. 

And they support her without any agenda. This is the fundamental difference between GT and other organizations. While others have their own agenda, every System personnel in GT only has the same goals and that is to be useful to Arc. 

EDITOR: King and Queen of Mortals.