
A certain hooded figure can be seen walking the street in the outer part of Liberty. 

Looking around, she saw many merchants selling their wares, shoppers looking to buy things, a typical view of a busy market. 

Who would have thought that just two days ago, the look of this place was totally different. This place was actually one of the biggest black markets in Liberty. Just two days ago, the wares being sold here were totally different, slaves, body parts, forbidden items, you name it. Anything you can't buy in a regular market, you can get them here. In other words, as long as it's illegal, you can buy it here. 

And the most important thing is this place, in particular, is one of the most dangerous areas in all of Liberty, after all this is the home of many criminal organizations. 

But now it looks no different than any open market in Liberty, and what's more, she can even see children running around the place. That thing never happened, not in this market. 

She looks around, trying to figure out which way to go. 

Then suddenly she saw a black round metallic object on the opposite side of her. She stopped, pulled her hood a little lower, making sure her face was totally hidden. She then moved to the side and pretended to browse some items in a stall. 

As soon as the drone passed by she breathed a sigh of relief, it's been like this for her in the last few days. 

Those black things are the new GT security drones. They are equipped with both lethal and non-lethal weapons. Lethal weapons can destroy and vaporize the body parts. Not a splash of blood will shed, the body will evaporate from the heat of the laser. The non-lethal one uses standard rubber bullets only with more force, and the body parts hit by those rubber bullets will break. And those drones like targeting those pesky quick legs of the individuals, leaving them screaming and writhing in agony while it waits for the collection droids to bring the said individual into the processing center. 

And lastly, the drones were equipped with a powerful taser to subdue common criminals, mainly those who have too much of a drink and running amok. 

The drones were also equipped with a powerful shield strong enough to last a few minutes of continued bombardment. She saw many individuals who challenged those drones only to regret it afterward. 

She saw those drones in action personally, and to be honest, it scared her a lot. 

She was there when those drones stormed in and arrested the son of the elder, it only took five drones in less than 5 minutes to kill over 20 bodyguards and over thirty with broken bones and severe injuries. The speed with which the operation completed was scary.

Many criminal organizations ended up disbanding, and those huge lawless organizations chose to relocate instead on one of the many asteroids surrounding Liberty. 

It's costly, yes. but at least they will be safe from the hands of GT. After all, the asteroids have no gravity and no air. They can use them as a temporary habitual place, but making it permanent and sustainable is very costly, that's why many criminals choose Liberty as a place to set up shops. Especially since upper management of Liberty is turning a blind eye to their activities, as long as it didn't affect Liberty affairs. 

And those in charge of security are very easy to bribe. 

Liberty is a perfect place for them. Especially since Liberty's motto is that they accept everyone as long as they follow Liberty's rules, they don't care about your background. 

And for a long time, the outer layer of Liberty had been the home and backyard of many criminal organizations. 

For decades those criminals remain unchecked and unregulated, the outer layer of Liberty is their backyard in fact, many of them are connected one way or another to the upper management of Liberty. 

But all that changed when GT got half the rights to manage Liberty security. And most importantly, GT doesn't care who they are, as long as they broke the rules, they will surely get punished for their crimes. 

Their decades of happiness popped out like balloons. And just like that, GT put a stop to all their activities. 

Many tried to fight it, protested, and even tried rallying, but the moment they broke the rules, the drones were there to make them pay. It even became entertainment to many people on Liberty, as they cheered and clapped every time they heard criminals screaming in agony when they were hit by rubber bullets and ended up breaking a leg literally. 

If before, they can only keep quiet as criminals intimidate them into paying protection money. And so on. But now there's a new sheriff in town. And this one is really Bad Ass. 

Of course, its not like criminals would change their ways overnight, many of them know nothing about other life. Many of them are doing it all their life. And now the life they knew is gone. The smart one decided to leave and move to another place like those asteroids. After all, they have been using those places to conduct some nasty stuff. So some of them already have a place set up in advance. 

But the stupid ones and the small-time criminals have no choice but to continue what they know. It's just that with GT drones around, one wrong move was all it takes, and they are done. 

The hooded figure continued until she reached the end of the Market and what greeted her is the residential area. She moves around like she has been here many times before. 

Finally, she was facing a small brick house. She knocked on the door in a certain rhythm, two times slow and five times fast. From the inside came a tapping sound, and the door opened. She was greeted by another hooded figure with a much bigger build than her. 

After entering the house, she was met with darkness as the inside was dimly lit. They both moved forward and passed from one corridor after another and into a tunnel. And after a few minutes of walking, they reached a huge open area that can be seen clearly, and several figures are sitting on chairs surrounding a huge round table. 

"Queen, you are late." 

EDITOR: King of Mortals.