270 Adam's Legacy II

Adam's Legacy II

"Enemies," Arc said with determination in his voice.

Ghidorah looks at Arc for a few seconds. It seems like all his worry has vanished.


Arc looks like he was contemplating on something, but inside he was relieved.

~Whew, that scared me for a second.~ Arc said in his mind.

It's like a huge weight was taken off his shoulder. "We have a common enemy, I don't see any reason why not," Arc said with a smile.

"Although, I still need to recover my Ancestor's Legacy," Arc said with a smile and relaxed tone.

Ghidorah seems to think of something. Runes appeared on his hand, and a few seconds later another crack appeared right in front of his hand.

As soon as the crack appeared, the pope once again puked blood.

Arc didn't know what Ghidorah was planning to do, but he was not worried. He and Ghidorah have the same thing on their mind; both of them have no intention of being enemies, at least not at the moment.

And one after another, Ghidorah began to pull something on the cracked on the space.

And every time Ghidorah pulled something out, Arc's saliva began to fall.

Arc and feel. That what Ghidorah has pulled out are all sovereign tools, he can feel it. Probably spoils of war. The first one is a short sword, jet black with cracks all over it, but despite that, the energies contain with it remain strong.

The second one is a mirror, again this one is also full of crack and damage.

Arc knows why that is. This must have been spoils of war when they were fighting against the gods and Adam's children.

One after another, Ghidorah pulled one Item after another. After pulling out about 10 or so items he began to think of something and this time it took him a while to pull something.

Arc can see that Ghidorah is having a hard time taking out this item.

Sweat began to appear on Ghidorah's face, and his energy began to spike.

Arc didn't even know that primordial can sweat, but he knows whatever Ghidorah is trying to pull out must be big and heavy; that's the only explanation he can come up with.

Arc's eyes are shining with anticipation. The same cannot be said with the HOC executives

The pope is starting to convulse, he started shaking and screaming, he was in intense pain. It's like his heart, is being pulled out slowly. At the core of Babel. A crack can be seen all over it.

Even when Ghidorah was coming out, it was not this bad. Whatever Ghidorah is trying to pull out, it is not something the current babel can handle, that much they can tell.

The Bishop can only heal and reinforce the core and hope for the best.

Ghidorah seems to be aware of what is happening, so he released his power to cover the item he was trying to pull out. This will lessen the burden on babel. But only slightly.

It took about a few seconds for Ghidorah to manage to pull the item. He was panting hard after he pulled it out, clearly, he spends a massive amount of energy just to take it out.


Ghidorah looks at Arc, but Arc didn't seem to hear him, Arc was staring at the Item he pulled out. Or more specifically, the box containing the item.

The wooden box looks very old and runes seem to be etched on its body, it's a rune meant to seal the item inside it.

Ghidorah looks amused when he saw Arc's reactions.

Well, he was not surprised. They paid a heavy price for this item. In fact, too heavy a price. This Item reminds them just how powerful Adam and his children are.

Arc's heart beat faster as soon as he saw the item. How can it not be? It is the item he traveled so far to find.

Adam was right; he would know as soon as he sees it. That is what Adam had said when he asked what legacy he was looking for. Back then, he was pissed and annoyed at the same time.


Arc curbed his excitement, he nodded. "That's right, it's no wonder we cannot find it here, we only know he would find it in this place and that the item we are looking for is related to the people here," Arc said some bullshit without blinking an eye.

Ghidorah nodded, looks like he came here on some kind of prophecy, it was not surprising since he was Adam's kin.


Arc didn't argue, he only nodded. "We owe you for this one, if you need my help in the future, all you have to do is asked."

Ghidorah nodded, if the item can make Arc feel indebted to him, then it was worth it. He was not wrong, the item holds no value to anyone except those with the blood of Adam. Ghidorah didn't know that the gods have purged Adam's blood after the war. He only knows that Adam betrayed the gods and took their power, weakening them. And that is why he and his people were able to survive and was imprisoned instead of being executed.

Arc stood up and picked up the box and immediately put it inside his storage ring just in case Ghidorah change his mind.

He then looks at the other item Ghidorah pulls out. He gulps his nonexistent Saliva.

"This seems to be the items left behind by our fallen ancestors. Do you mind if I take them with me so that we can pray and put them to rest.?" Arc said with a solemn tone.

Ghidorah nodded. "NOW THAT WE HAVE A TRUCE AND UNDERSTANDING ITS ONLY PROPER TO SEND THEM WHERE THEY BELONG" the primordial also has this old custom of putting a part of the fallen into their grave as a reminder.

~Oh shit, oh shit I'm rich, I'm rich. I didn't think I would score this big coming here~ Arc was so happy he is having a hard time controlling his face from smiling. But he knows he needs to continue this play to the end.

It was indeed a big harvest, not only they were able to clean all the relics HOC have been accumulating for countless years he was able to get genuine sovereign tools and most of all he was able to complete his urgent mission. And that's not all he was able to acquire, a potentially powerful ally. What more can he ask for?

"Then once again I have to thank you." Arc then gives a solemn bow.

Ghidorah was really touched by Arc's gestures. He knows how powerful and proud Adam and his children are. They will not bow their heads to anyone.

He was also quite embarrassed seeing Arc a powerful warrior bowing to him, just for reclaiming some of the items that belonged to his ancestors.


Arc nodded. He may be acting, but he was indeed thankful to Ghidorah.

He then moves back to where he was sitting and sat back down. Furthermore, he waved his hand and all sorts of food and alcohol appeared before him.

Ghidorah gulped when he smells the food, it has been a long time since he last eats something. And he can tell the food in front of him is delicious just by the smell of it. His appreciation for Arc increases.

"What are you planning now?" Asked Arc.

He gestures to Ghidorah to eat some food he himself picks some drinks and strangely enough when he pours the alcohol on Diablo's mouth he can taste it.

Ghidorah didn't waste any time either he started devouring one food after another, Arc was not worried he had a lot of cooked food in his storage ring. After all, his storage ring can preserve the food indefinitely. As time doesn't exist inside his ring. So it's a good way to store food already cooked so that it can be eaten anytime.

Ghidorah seems to forget Arc's questions as soon as he started eating, he seems to forget everything else.

Arc didn't mind, in fact, he was happy to feed Ghidorah if he can turn him into an ally. What is food?

Although he and Ghidorah have entered some truce and understanding, that doesn't mean he can order Ghidorah around. But if he can turn Ghidorah into an ally using food. It's a big bonus for him.

Ghidorah is probably the most powerful being he has encountered besides the one who swallowed him and his ship, but he never really fought it, so he can't really tell how powerful it was.

But he knows they are inside its belly even now. He shakes his head, that's a problem for the future.

It took several hours before Ghidorah is full.



He was looking at Arc like he was some kind of Deity or something, he can't believe this mortal carried with him much delicious food.

~As expected of Adam's kin,~ he said in his mind.

But after thinking about Arc's questions, he began to feel depressed. He woke up too early. Do I need to go back to sleep?

"I WAS AWAKEN TOO EARLY, I DIDN'T KNOW IF THIS COULD AFFECT MY ANCESTORS PLAN OR NOT BUT I DO NOT BLAME YOU FOR IT, IN FACT, I CONSIDERED IT FATE BECAUSE OF THAT I WAS ABLE TO CLEAR SOME THINGS." Ghidorah looks at Arc, and then he looks up. Hmm, contemplating on something, Ghidorah waves his hand and the pope and Bishops appeared before them.

The Bishops were shocked when they realize what happened.

One after another, they kneeled down in front of Ghidorah. Except for the pope, who was looking half-dead and couldn't get up, all the Bishops Ghidorah summoned kneeled before him.

Arc looked at the kneeling HOC and felt amused.

A small orb of energy appeared on Ghidorah's finger, he then points his finger at the pope and the orb of energy flew to the incapacitated pope and when the orb entered the pope's body his body began to heal at a rapid pace.

Color began to appear on the pope's cheek the pope cough some black blood, to everyone's surprised the pope stood up with clothes still drenched in his own blood he kneeled in front of Ghidorah.

"Your humble servant greets the divine." Said the pope

"Your humble servant greets the divine." The bishops follow.


"We follow the will of the divine," said the pope, still kneeling down with his head bowed down.

The Bishop just kept quiet; it was not their place to say anything.

Ghidorah nodded. He looks at Arc "UNFORTUNATELY OUR TIME TOGETHER IS SHORT ADAMS KIN ARC. AND I WOULD NEED TO GO BACK TO SLEEP. WE WILL MEET AGAIN WHEN THE TIME HAS COME." In truth, Ghidorah was reluctant to go back to sleep. But for the sake of his ancestors, he has to.

Ghidorah once again waves his hands and a small item appears hovering in front of Arc.

Ghidorah didn't waste any time, as soon as he gave the item to Arc a portal opened in front of him, and as soon as Ghidorah entered it disappeared.

Arc grabbed the item and as soon as he grabbed it he knew what it was. It was a command token with this HOC would not be able to defy him. This is proof enough that without his command, even the pope didn't have the courage to stand up.

Arc smiles, he was a bit disappointed when Ghidorah decided to go back to sleep, but overall it was a fruitful event for him.

"Go back and rebuild this place, with your own hand." He ordered the pope

The pope knows what it meant. It means they cannot rely on their servants to do it. Not that they can ask their servants to do it, after all, their servants are inside Specter.

But the pope is not worried Babel has self-repair ability, given time Babel can fix any damages.

"We will obey." The pope stood up, followed by the bishops. They didn't say anything they have no right to, as long as the command token is in Arc's hands they can never defy him, not like they have any plans to do it.

As soon as they found out, Arc was related to their god. All their plans for revenge were purged from their minds. Despite the damages, HOC remains intact, there was hardly any HOC death. And the damages to Babel can be recovered in time.

As for the relic. It was a minor loss.

Arc also didn't linger; he ordered for specter to beam them up.

And so the fight between Arc and Hoc comes to the end.

HOC would have a lot of work ahead of them, but Arc didn't care, they are not good people anyway. Gideon and his men have also been beamed up from the Cathedral.

And not long after, the pope made a declaration. And ordered for all the damages to be repaired.

HOC didn't explain anything regarding what happened. So people can only speculate HOC is rich, and so repairing the damages to the Cathedral is easy. As for babel, it is only a matter of time.

Specter also remains hovering on top of babel, just in case, someone tried to attack it. After all, HOC officially now belonged to them, it would be a shame if other power takes advantage of it right after they conquered it.

Inside the specter, in the personal hanger of Arc, he was now able to see the real changes of Diablo.

The warbot was completely absorbed by Diablo there are hardly any physical changes on Diablo except for the runes that cover its whole body.

It was also bigger than before, but not that much.

Overall, he was very satisfied with the changes. He also noticed that Diablo can change size into the size of a warbot.

That's a bonus for him, that way he didn't need to build a new one to explore Eden.