Red Curtains

"The young billionaire Hawk Monsanto and famous ballerina Feather Han publicly announced their engagement today during the press conference that the M Conglomerate conducted this morning. Although it came as a huge surprise, such news, however, received delightful positive feedback from Feather Han's fans and supporters especially that M Conglomerate assured everyone that despite President Hawk and Feather's union, the latter will continue her ballet career with her soon-to-be husband's full support"

"Many big personalities in the business and ballet industry had already sent the couple their congratulations and was looking forward to attending the couple's engagement party that had already been set,"

The voice of the female reporter on the television soared through a dimly lighted bedroom away from the buzz and dazzles of the city. The bed that was nesting around the corner was packed with several garments that were tossed in there a few minutes ago before the owner of the room entered the shower.

"Although the M Conglomerate did not give specific details about Feather Han and their President's love story which the fans were dying to know, speculations had it that the two had been together for some time. Sources also revealed that M Conglomerate was one of the major sponsors of the ballerina ever since she started her career which only proved how President Hawk supported her fiancée's talent. Everyone was frantic and was looking forward to more updates on what they considered a love story that can be compared to a fairytale" The reporter relayed more of her scripted line on the tv while a young woman listened to it from the shower. Despite the sound of the dripping water, her ears had heard it all—loud and clear.

"Fairytale?" She let go of a mocking laugh as she let the lukewarm water leisurely fall into her hair. The drips from it turned slightly copper as the girl just recently colored her hair. She wondered by then if she made the correct process of coloring her hair as the color seemed to have not made a successful grip.

A moment later, her thoughts traveled from her hair to the news that she just heard. It was Feather Han again on the news. She didn't like how the media was giving that ballerina a good amount of attention and had been portraying her as the perfect epitome of brilliance and innocence because as far as she knew, Feather wasn't anything close to that.

Feather might have the perfect face and the most gracious demeanor, but didn't everyone forget that she was an actress? Oh wait, she's a ballerina. But don't ballerinas act on stage too? God! If she happened to be one of her audience, she will surely give her a standing ovation for a very outstanding performance!

The shower got cut off and in just a minute, a girl came out wearing a towel, wrapped turban-style around her hair. She was as naked as the day she was born when she walked toward where her undergarments were kept hidden. The girl had an amazing physique, her curves were crafted in the right places and she had the set of most perfect long legs.

Her name? No one knew and probably no one cared. She wondered right then whether Feather still remembers it. She hoped she would, for it would be such a pity if the perfect Han's granddaughter would not recognize her the moment she shatters her heart into pieces. That would be a great sight to see!

The girl stepped into a pair of red lace panties and pulled them up. She took a brassiere and slipped her arms through it before fastening the clasp between her breasts. After covering her intimate places, she stood next to a big mirror studying herself, before she let loose of her hair. Her wet hair fell and hung all the way straight to her waist and if it wasn't wet like then, the end would curl naturally. Her ivory stunning skin that matched with her thick new dusty copper hair looked heavenly on her.

Staring at herself, she was aware that she looked like a runaway model then, very much far from the way she looked before. Previously, she was the type of girl that didn't want to catch anyone's attention. Her hair was always kept on a ponytail, her wardrobe consisted of a series of neutral-colored baggy clothing and she was very fond of wearing the thick eyeglasses that made her look like an old secretary from a boring firm. But that was a few days ago, not until she heard of Feather Han's homecoming.

Truth was that she was too busy to even care about Feather's affairs. She had long decided to have nothing to do with her and she had lived a life away from all of that ballerina's scheme and drama. However, just a few months ago, she realized letting Feather get away from all her misdeeds was the most stupid thing she had ever done in her entire life. She should have killed the rat before it had a chance to spoil all her goods.

So she waited for her return. Waited for an overdue apology that never happened. Waited for years to make herself realize that Feather was an evil manipulating bitch and that once, she had fallen into her schemes and the consequences of it still haunted her until these days.

Now, it's time for good payback. She's not settling for anything less than what her satisfaction demands. That Feather had already exhausted her patience to an end that there was nothing more she can give but the will to get even.

Feather Han is coming home soon, and when the day comes, she will give the ballerina bitch the greatest performance she had ever seen in her entire life. If the girl thought she had won over against her, well, she hated to break it but the show was not over yet, the red curtains still hung open.