Chasing Her (2)

As soon as the group of children were satisfied with her present, they all gave way for her and she continued her journey. Hawk, although surprised at the girl's actions, was able to move on his feet to follow her as fast as he could. However at the pedestrian where the girl just recently crossed, a car halted blocking all of Hawk's way.

The door flew open just in front of him revealing Lucas. "President the concierto is over. You need to go back now,"

Only upon hearing it did Hawk realized he had been gone for a long time. He looked at Lucas meaningfully as if he couldn't believe how time had run that fast without him knowing it. "Was Feather's performance-"

"It ended just fine. Luckily Miss Han didn't break down when she noticed you were missing at the concert she dedicated for you," Lucas told politely rebuking his boss for his inappropriate disappearance.

Hawk chose not to comment on Lucas' words as an utter guilt struck his heart. What had he done again? Why in the world did he chase another woman rather than choosing to stay to watch Feather dance?

Frustrated on his own mishaps, Hawk only sighed in distress and combed his hair out of frustration. He immediately hopped inside the car and sat beside Lucas who was shaking his head.

"It's that woman again," Lucas uttered on Hawk's face. "I saw you following her,"

"It was foolish of me. I know," Hawk admitted his own mistakes. "It's just that…" Hawk closed his eyes and pressed the bridge of his nose. "I have no explanation for it. I'm deeply sorry,"

"President, I'm not the right person you should apologize for," Lucas reminded him once again. He didn't know what was happening with his boss, he himself had been confused on how reckless his decision was these days. He had seen his devotion for the Han's heiress and he thoroughly believed it was something that could withstand even the most evil seductress in town. For Hawk Monsanto to fall into the trap of one particular woman only proved that she was more than a seductress, she must be a witch who had blown some love potion on him.

*** Flashback Twenty years Ago***

A boy, with attractive grey eyes and shoulder length curls can be seen hiding in one alley while waiting for someone. He was sure that any minute from now, the girl whom he played basketball with a few days ago would pass through this side of the village and he had a major business with her. He stood hidden in one corner of a stall, kicking small stones to entertain himself.

Soon, when the young Hawk could already see the sun on the top of his head, the girl appeared, walking as gay as the birds that were flying above her. She wore a traditional Somerset village dress in pastel pink color that was rather too long yet because she was tall, much taller than the other kids around, the material reached just perfectly only until her ankle. Through that, Lee Hawk could see she had worn no shoes at all. Hawk raised a brow at this especially that he could see a pair of shoes hung together in a thin rope across her neck.

When she passed by, Hawk hid himself for some reasons. He was having doubts on approaching her or probably his ego doesn't allow him just yet. But with the urgency of the situation he was in, he knew he had no choice but to talk to her. Not yet prepared for a conversation, he just secretly followed the girl as she walked along the uncemented road alone.

As bright the sun was, the girl was then singing happily minding not the sun. From all the other girls he knew, she was somewhat disgustingly different. Unlike all the girls in their village, she was the only one who wasn't concerned about how she looked, not the dirt, sun or even her own sweat can make her withdraw to one corner to fix herself. Also, when all the girls around were trying their best to keep their skin away from the harsh sun, she on the other hand loves to walk unprotected under it. Even when Hawk was young, the boy had been exposed to girls of different class and stature for he was a Monsanto. He was then very aware of how girls should act supposed to be and yet this girl? She had definitely broken all the standards that were set.

One more turn and Lee Hawk lost sight of the girl. He panicked a little but after a brief look around, he found her sitting beside one of the beggars who was playing a broken flute, hoping someone would consider the music he played a masterpiece, which was rather too impossible since his tool was broken. Nevertheless he played with hope that for the sake of broken art or mercy someone would spare him some coins. The girl beside him, whom Hawk was following, decided however that the music was one of a kind and she complimented the beggar then dropped a couple of coins to his can. After her music break, she started walking again still with no shoes worn on her little feet.

Hawk diligently followed her but alas on their next turn, the girl encountered another beggar again, this time without a broken flute but with palm open, very ready to accept the last of the coins the girl had. It was her last, Hawk was sure because her purse did not make a clunk sound when she shook it.

Lee Hawk just smiled at how foolish the girl was, giving everything to the beggars and leaving nothing for herself. Then the girl started walking again but on their next turn, the girl was faced with another beggar dilemma and Hawk could not believe she was still compassionate knowing she had nothing to give anymore.

"Oh I don't have a coin anymore," He heard the girl say. "What would I give you if I don't have anything anymore?" She touched her head as she was thinking, as if her hands had some magical active brain power. Moments later her face brightened as if she had found a brilliant solution then proceeded to pull the shoes hanging on her neck, "Oh well, you can have my shoes. Sell it to the market, you'll get money for it.

Hawk's face instantly fell with her resolution.