Fallen Angel

"The F Lucy!" Both Simione and Gabriella gave her thud. 

"Are you out of your mind?" It was Simione who first confronted her. "How could you ask Gabriella to do it?"

"She's twenty eight," Lucy just rolled an eye at it. "There are many great fish in the sea and yet she keeps on crying about rotten fish. It's time she taste some fresh new fish, or fishes,"

Pack! Simione gave Lucy another snap.

"Gabriella does not have experience on those kinds of things," Simione protested. "She might get hurt,"

"Oh look who's talking? Why Sisi? You also don't know anything about these things and yet you gave Hawk Monsanto some... hard release," Lucy retorted, giving emphasis to her  last words and making a face at Simione who  instantly turned crimson.

"My goals are different,"

"Gabriella doesn't have goals," Lucy pressed. "Besides I strongly believe it's time he meets someone new and enjoys the company of men….right Gabbie?....Gabbie?"