
The forbidden kiss they willfully both tasted was like an apple in the tree of life. It made them very aware of the sins they both committed. However such tasted good, addicting and for a moment of selfish desires, they just wanted to have each other, free from all responsibilities, fiancee's and both their past.

Hawk could taste Simione's anger while the latter tasted the M Conglomerate's hesitation. There was still doubt in him. How could he not hesitate when he knew deeply that the pleasure he was having right then was at Feather's expense?

Simione felt that Hawk's was about to withdraw the kiss and so she distracted him, in some ways she was taught. She clasped her two arms around his neck, pressing him to her and arched her back to let him know he was well pleasing her. Her mentor taught her that men love to give their women pleasure as it gives them pride and so she didn't withhold herself and let her pleasures be known to him.