Allegria Penthouses

Gabriella was busy cutting garments for Serapina when Lucy knocked on the door. They were the one left in Allegria Penthouses, Lucy's home, as Simione went somewhere. When dragged her head to the door with a scissor in her hand, she caught Lucy's worried expression. She immediately knew her worry had something to do with her.

"What is it?" Gabriella braced herself thinking it was bad news.

"It's who," The singer simply answered and the girl then realized she had a visitor. Not wanting to ask Lucy anymore, she simply followed her downstairs. As they both descended the stairs, she caught sight of a woman, with long blonde hair and eyes that shone with thorough relief at the sight of her.

"Mother Lilith?" Gabriella was surprised by her sudden visit. She descended hastily and went to give her stepmother an embrace.