Balled Fist

Simione let Hawk take over the kiss, not that she intended it but she for a moment drowned into the fantasy again of being his woman. His lips moving on her were all possessive, so strikingly stunning and tasteful that for a moment all her sound judgement fled from the window. Hawk made sure he made a mark on her, savoring the taste of her lips, leaving no corner untouched. It was a deep kiss and it was ravishing.

However although she was all tempted, she got over her desire all too quick, specially that she knew she will only ended up defeated if she'll make her have his way and so instead of surrendering into Hawk's advances—whose lips was already on his way to her nape and down further—she tried to control her urges and played fire with him.

"Ah, you do miss this I could tell," Simione hollered, her tone was sarcastic but Hawk was so occupied in his lust he didn't notice it. "Doesn't your fiance taste so good like me?"