Lost Interest

As Gabriella turned her back, every eye was with her—from her family's complicated faces, from the guests' rising curiosity, Senior Umberesio's surprised mein and El Tigre's wide grin.

"Primo what is happening?" Senior Umbresio could not withhold any more of his interest. His grandson and the beautiful woman who just left surely knew each other and he was all dying to know if there was any hope, even a slightest one, that a grandson was indeed soon to come. He knew what he was asking was far too much but he had been hoping for it,  for almost like forever now and had almost given up hope of seeing the day that Primo would take interest in any woman. Perhaps today was a lucky day for the Umbresio household?

"Well grandfather, I seemed to have lost some interest in the party," Primo said, eyes still locked on the retreating Gabriella and even before he could hear any protest,  he walked away, following the Monteria heiress footsteps, obviously chasing her.