
"Primo what's going on?" Gabriella repeated her question and yet the man only pushed to her his phone and let the Monteria heiress see for herself. She rummaged around the web and found several articles of her and Primo being linked together and the fact that they left the party last night together.

"Oh shit!" She cursed as she clicked one article and read through the news gossip. Immediately she frowned and looked at Primo, only to find him smiling at her face.

"You looked dreadful," he commented with a grin and snatched away the phone to stop her from searching more. He had seen how stressed she became and thought perhaps he should not have told her about it early in the morning.

"Who would not? Everybody in the city is talking about us!"  Gabriella cussed and she gave Primo an eye wondering why he looked so calm about it. "And you know what frustrates me even more is the fact that you don't seem affected at all. How is all this okay with you?"