Young Love

After Simione left, the group that was in the directress office dispersed minutes after. Hawk however, asked permission to see the girl and he had been allowed to do so by the kind directress. The group acknowledged the fact that Hawk and Cat needed to talk privately about what happened, especially that it caught them both off guard. 

The directress asked a staff member to accompany Hawk to Simione's room but when they reached there, they heard her sobbing through the door. The staff then left Hawk, giving him the free choice to go and comfort Simione or just leave her all alone.

Standing at her door, Hawk felt a deep thorough guilt. He knew he had nothing to do with her past that she was all crying about but he felt guilty for failing to see such a side of her. Isn't she always a strong woman? Why all the sudden she was crying like she was a hopeless one?