His Remedy

"Yes, I mean it," Simione answered after a very long time. She did think that letting it all go would cause her more pain but surprisingly it didn't because her heart then went numb. She couldn't feel a thing, not hate nor pity, just regrets. Regret for their love, for the love she thought had a promising future but now, there wasn't left with it.

"Do you hate me Sisi?" Lyndon asked. He was feeling complex then, like for once he was relieved that Simione already knew and that he didn't have to keep hiding his woman away yet there was also a part that feels empty and some fear, fear that in the future, he might regret the thing he sacrificed now.

Simione looked at the man in his eyes and saw the flicker of desperation. She did not understand the complexity she saw in his eyes. Why was he doubting? Why was he hesitant? Perhaps she did see wrong because right at this moment, she was pretty sure he was all relieved that he didn't have to keep hiding away.