Gullible Heiress

Primo was so surprised at the small tinge of pain that snapped into his face. Caught off guard, he wasn't able to stop Gabriella when she bolted to the exit stairs running. Primo was left stunned and in a moment he traced the part of his face that Gabriella just slapped and let go of a mocking laugh.

Not a laugh to mock Gabriella's audacity but a laugh for his foolish self. How could this happen?

"Right..that woman," Primo was reminded of the woman who was still in his office right then. "Gardon…."

"Master," Gardon, who was at his back, answered immediately. Primo's tone and expression turned devil-like and even feared him. 

"Take that woman to your twin," 

Gardon gulped with his instruction. "Master, are you sure with this?"

"You dare ask me again…" 

Gardon's knees went weak immediately. "I was only thinking of you master. If lady Gabriella will know that you had killed a person for her, you might have problems reconciling with her,"