The Call

Lucy comically raised a brow at the other line. Truth was that she was already suspecting he would call, but never thought it was that fast. It's just thirty minutes ago that Gabriella texted her that she's home in the Allegria penthouse. 

Was Primo that in love, he couldn't bear such a thirty minutes separation? God this man!

"Hmmm…you are doomed," She lazily told him.

"Give me back my woman," Primo's voice bore some threats.

"She has free will Primo," Lucy rolled an eye at him. "You upset her. Suffer the consequences,"

"Lucilla do not try my patience,"

"Gabriella's patience is short too. You sure you want to upset her more by hurting me?"

"I didn't say I'm going to hurt you!" Primo cussed so angry that Lucy was taking shields on her woman. How could she use Gabriella so he can't launch fire at her? This singer was so shameless!