Feather's Happiness

"Yay! I told you Miss Han the President just forgot to give you one," Ami hollered excitedly. Her eyes then could imagine the luxurious bag that Feather promised her and so she too beamed with extra happines. Gosh! Hawk and Feather was still on it!

"Thank you but you really don't have to. Those girl…they don't upset me," Feather lied. 

Of course those girls upset her beyond comprehension. However, with how things went shaky with him and Hawk recently, she lost some confidence to ask. Now that she had shown him how very understanding she was—still rushing to the hospital to take care of him even after what happened in the concert of Lucilla Dimitri, she knew he'd be touched. 

"It's okay. I planned to compensate with you anyway," Hawk flushed her again with another bitter smile. Feather saw the bitterness in it but the excitement she had of having a black card made her not dwell on it longer.

"You make me very happy always President Hawk,"