The Call

"You look so miserable," Lucy stood in front of Primo while the man was frustratedly comforting himself on the floor just beside the door of her apartment. "Let me guess, Gabbie ditch you again…ahahahaha"

"Lucilla…." Primo immediately stood and towered the singer. "I escorted Gabriella home. We had a dinner at my house,"

"Guess the dinner didn't turn out well," Lucy responded and gave him a mocking look. "Poor you. Just go home, you won't change anything by staying here,"

Lucy turned her back on him and decided to go inside. If Primo was miserable outside, she was very sure Gabriella felt so bad too and she worried about the girl immediately. Aish! It seemed that this Primo-Gabriella thing was getting out of hand. Can they just call it quits? It was obvious things aren't working out good for both of them, specially for Gabriella.

The singer was about to unlock the door with her keys when she heard Primo say something unintelligible.