Sweet Smile

"A pet?" Hawk asked to confirm it.

"Yes, my cat," Feather smiled wide when she said it. "When I was still in the white mansion, my dear pet Cat died so suddenly without reasons and it broke my heart. This was the reason why I had always loved that name. Also, my cat is a fat one so I always wanted to be called fuzzy Cat,"

Hawk did not reply but had rather looked at Feather with blank expression. In his mind were further questions that he wanted to ask but Feather's answers made him choose not to. 

"Hawk…" Feather called for him because his eyes went more searing and she cannot stand against his gaze anymore. His call seemed to have woken up Hawk but instead of answering her call, the man immediately stood and slowly went for the door like he was lost.

Seeing this reaction, Feather was confused, "Wait…"