The Other Young Master

Han's Mansion

It had been a few days when Don Benedicto left the mansion in peace. When he did, Mauro Han took no time and went to settle things with Hawk Monsanto. However, he was informed then that Hawk was abroad and so their predicament about Feather's wedding had not been settled. 

Few days later however, Feather received a parcel from the M Conglomerate.

"What is it?" Madam Fara was shaking herself while her daughter and her assistant Ami unwrapped the big parcel. They had never been at ease with this whole Feather situation, especially that Simione had already been sent off to get married. They were then worried that even though Simione had an old husband, because he was very rich, he might steal all of Don Benedicto's trust.

"O my god!" Ami was shocked to see what it was. Even Feather locked her eyes into the thing as her hopes started to light up.

"It's a gown," Feather gasped with thorough unbelief. "It's a wedding gown mother!"