The Little Bitch

"Spin…" Cat smiled and even when she shed some tears something in her heart warmed up with Spin's promise. Soon, her friend's little feet grew tired, he slowed down and the distance between them grew bigger that Cat had to scooch herself up the car's window to look at her friend. Her long hair flew in the air, so did her tears.

"I'll come back. I promise. Wait for me," She shouted at him and her promise gave the boy an assurance, so he stopped chasing the car, satisfied and just stood there at the side of the road, watching his dearest sweet friend Cat fade away through the fog.

With some relief, Cat also calmed herself down and sat back on the car's seat comfortably as she held the butterfly ring near to her chest. Right then it was her most treasured possession. She opened her two palms to look at Spin's tiny gift and smiled but even before she was done praising its beauty, her cousin Feather, who was just sitting beside her, snatched the ring away.