Fake Invites

"Is there any need for such?" Feather answered. She didn't know why but she too felt like no gift was arriving. Whether it was instinct or not, she certainly didn't want to be put in a shameless situation again as she had enough of it earlier.

Her question immediately dragged all the eyes of the employees to her. They were wondering whether she was just making a joke or not. Isn't giving gifts on the wedding day an old tradition for the old rich? Such a culture was widely celebrated.

As all eyes were on her, Feather felt that she said the wrong thing. In her redemption she uttered, "I mean… my fiancée had always been generous with me. To have a gift at this time is surely unnecessary,"

"But it is President Hawk Monsanto we are talking about Miss Han," one uttered, trying to remind Feather that she was to be married to an extremely wealthy family. "He surely would not miss this tradition,"