Monsanto Signature

"I can't believe you…" She slanted him with a lethal look, her eyes narrowed in fury and for a moment she felt like laughing considering this a bluff. She could not comprehend the stupidity of Hawk Monsanto's answers. She felt like he isn't the ill famous and greatly feared young billionaire with how he was handling her confrontation.


"Don't you dare call me that!" 

The things between them heated more in a snapped and Hawk found himself not able to control things anymore—his anger, his paranoia, his longing, his need. And so, as Simione drowned herself to the heat of her anger, Hawk jumped on the same water and but ended up in another kind of fire—his raging desire. So, without warning, he pulled Simione's body to him even before the girl could protest. "Dammit Simione!"