[Bonus chapter]The Difference

Simione was taken aback with Felip's gestures. She had never met a man who dashes out so gentlemanly like him. Although he had that kind of haunting and intimidating aura—which she knew by then as a Monsanto signature—something probably inherent in all the Monsanto's, Felip however had a more likeable and attractive aura than his brother. It was probably the fact that even when he comes out mysterious and intimidating, he unexpectedly, was a gentleman and somehow romantic. And his smile—which he mange to flash right at the exact time when a woman already loses her breathe was probably his killer asset.

"I didn't know that you have a brother," She raised her head in astonishment, forgetting the fact that they were on a silent war.

"Apparently I have," He replied casual and proceeded to pull Simione's hand from Felip before he could finish his romantic gesture.