Isla Sargaus 2

"Tabitha?" Hawk marveled at the at the sight of the woman. 

"Who else?" The woman replied and paced the space toward Hawk to give him a good look. As if the sight of him wasn't enough, she dared to grab his upper arm for a squeeze. "Missed me?"

"You are home," He replied sounding nonchalant.

"Well, my uncle here forced me to come home," She smiled and tiptoed to give Hawk a kiss on the cheeks then slightly turned toward Butler Samson "So, if you have any protest about my unannounced homecoming, address it to him,"

"The Monsanto Conglomerate didn't send you to a good university for nothing," Butler Samsoon responded to his niece as he shook his head. "I asked her to help me with the hacienda. She's the current resident vet,"