Darked Haired Barbie

When Hawk and Simione arrived in the hospital everyone of the Han's gathered in, all including Mauro Han's family which includes Feather and her mother Fara. As soon as they entered Simione immediately received disgusted stare from the three but dared not to say a word. The rest of the Han's were there and they had no idea about what went on the household of the Don and surely Mauro don't want their relatives to know.

Feather though who had not moved on yet from what happened on her supposed to be wedding could not take the scene of the couple being together and so before she could make any scene, Fara dragged her away.

"What happened?" Simione approached Mauro but the latter pretended to have not heard her. 

"It's a liver failure Miss," The doctor who was there replied. "The Don needs a liver transplant immediately or he may never wake up,"