Lucca Starlight

"I'm relieved that things have worked out between you and Hawk," Gabriella remarked, setting her coffee down on the table. The three of them – Simione, Lucy, and Gabriella – had gathered to catch up as soon as Simione had some free time.

Lucy chimed in with a knowing smile, "I had a feeling there'd be a twist in the wedding. I had my suspicions, but I wasn't sure so I just kept quiet about it."

"We definitely didn't see it coming," Lucy continued, her words laced with a hint of amusement. "It's refreshing to see such unexpected turns in these kinds of situations."

Gabriella nodded in agreement, overly contentment at how things had unfolded. "Did not really expect that the whole Feather project ended at Simione getting married to Hawk Monsanto. At least we know now Simione is in safe hands. He seemed really serious with this marriage,"