That Mister Snow-White

"Well, Mr. Saico Legula," Lawyer Erithel's mood seemed to have changed so suddenly as she stared at the man. "Do give me a good answer. Something not ridiculous like Miss Abreo's"

"Actually professor, I agree with Miss Abreo's position," He announced, much to the professor's disappointment. "I want to add up some points, however,"

The Lawyer did not answer and so the man took it as a consent to continue talking. "She was right that the legal problem has to be qualified. Even when X, the woman was sold by her grandfather, there was no statement as to the fact that X herself did not want to be married to Z. The sale right here is irrelevant. What is important is whether or not, at the point of marriage, X wanted to give consent or not. Since there was no statement as to the fact that she rebelled or any sign of force and coercion, her consent cannot be negated…"