Recent Company

It was not until they entered a familiar subdivision that Simione realized they are not heading towards Reign condominiums where Hawk and her stayed but rather to El Cielo Château, Hawk's main residence. With furrowed brows and slight concern, she turned to Hawk to ask.

"Are we not heading to the Chateau?" 

"We are," he affirmed, "Lady Beatrice is sick. I figured it would be better for us to give her some company,"

The news of the old woman being unwell struck a chord of worry within Simione. Apart from Felip whom she had recently been acquainted, Lady Beatrice was the only living relative who played a maternal role in Hawk's life and so she understood why her being unwell would cast a serious concern in her husband.

"Since when?"

"The doctor told me she had been sick for a while," Hawk relayed with a sighed that made Simione realize that the Lady's health problems are potentially serious.