His Operations

"That was just his old military friend," Gabriella replied, trying to dismiss Lucy's suspicion. "Primo mentioned they served together in the military."

"Gabby, be careful," Lucy warned, her voice tinged with concern. "He's still Primo Umbresio, remember that."

Gabriella didn't reply so silence hung in the air for a couple of minutes making Lucy realize that her friend is going through some things. 

"What is it that you are thinking?" Lucy asked very concerned. 

Gabriella hesitated before confessing, "It's not about any woman or another person. Primo would never do anything to hurt me. It's just that..."

"Spill it, Gabriella," Lucy urged, impatience lacing her words.

"They all want a baby," Gabriella sighed heavily. "I mean, it feels like everything with Primo and me is being rushed. They're expecting us to have an heir soon, and we're not even married. I'm just not ready for that, not yet."