Medical Guardianship

Simione found herself amid a storm of revelations, each piece of information crashing before her hard. The disclosure of Mauro Han's illicit affairs and the existence of Dominique as one of his daughters was a revelation that left her in utter shock. She felt a surge of conflicting emotions, unsure of what to feel or where to direct her empathy. Should she feel remorse for Feather and her mother, who seemed oblivious to Mauro's infidelity? Or should she empathize with Dominique for being Mauro Han's daughter?

"How unfortunate," Simione uttered unconsciously that when the word came out of her mouth, she immediately realized that what she said was very rude. "I'm so sorry that is not what I meant,"

"It's okay," Dominique smiled bitterly. "I know what kind of man Mauro Han is and I am not in any way proud to be his daughter or whatever. So, I somehow agree with you, it is indeed an unfortunate fate,"