First Attempt

The next morning Felip was running in a quiet street as the first light of dawn began to break. His favorite playlist was on his ears but his mind still lingered about who he saw last night. Dominique. 

Where had she been all these years?

He couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief at seeing her after all these years. He could still vividly recall the vibrant, strong-willed woman she had been—the one who always had Haze's back. In those days, it seemed as though they were inseparable, bound not only by long friendship but by the trials of their early years that they had weathered together. Both Dominique and Haze had rough pasts, but they had survived them together. They always had each other, and at some point in Felip's life, he had envied their closeness. With Dominique, Haze always had someone to go home to. Someone to clung on to.