The Object of her Affection

Anthony is unable to speak for a few moments. He's no idiot; he knows he's speaking to Gabriel Tan's confidante. Bella Xavier, for the rest of Gabriel Tan's employees, is a beautiful enigma. They see her as the only one, aside from Mrs. Gomez, who speaks to Gabriel as if an equal, and they are fascinated—who's this person who is somehow shielded, by divine intervention, from Gabriel's Draconian ways?

So when Claire, as Bella, makes a blunt question about the Legal Department's competence, and honesty, Anthony's jaw drops. Was Bella unleashed upon them by Gabriel to determine the truth? But then again, Bella's so obvious, the question so innocent, if not ballsy, that makes Bella's hidden motives unlikely.

"Knowing about these things is above my pay grade, Bella," Anthony says after a while. "But believe, we did the usual due diligence. There was absolutely no inkling of Michelle's involvement. Why do you ask? Is Mr. Tan still doubtful despite what our CFO told him?"