The Waiting Game

As it turns out, Mrs. Gomez isn't qualified to be a blood donor for Miguel. So as Lucille, Dale, and twenty other team members of The Residence. Those who have been blood typed wait in the main lobby, chattering excitedly among themselves, as though waiting for some main event. The others who are still being processed are in a room adjacent to the ER.

Claire, who has regained consciousness and has since fully bounced back, squeezes Gabriel's hand as they listen to Mrs. Gomez's prattle. They're in the small waiting area outside the ICU, waiting for the doctor's update.

When the door opens, the three of them stand up, their hearts in their throats. The doctor, whose name is Garcia, looks cool, considering the pressure.

"I'm here to let you know we've started with the transfusion of the one unit of blood that came from you, Miss Claire," Doc Garcia says. "We're still in the process of finding more. Hopefully, some of your companions would be compatible as donors."