The Sinking Ship

His brow knitted in confusion, Gabriel turns to Claire, as if looking for clarification.

Claire is a deer in headlights; this reporter is not even thinking. He's so darned stupid. Jesus, hasn't he even learned anything from that pool party incident? To walk up to Gabriel just like that, right when he's in the foulest of moods. "Uhh, he's the…Uhh, the reporter, remember?"

Gabriel looks at her as though a cockroach has just crawled out of her mouth. "What reporter?"

Claire sighs. How could Gabriel remember? Every single day tons of things happened to him, while to her, the world revolved around Gabriel and his little shenanigans.

"He's just a reporter from some magazine," Claire says dismissively. "And he's—"

"And as I've said Mr. Tan, I'm here to offer my help. Heard about your brother. So maybe I'm qualified."